Our Snippets

MOU Signing on Maritime Information Exchange with the Brazilian Navy

19 Feb 25

MOU Signing on Maritime Information Exchange with the Brazilian Navy

Earlier this week, Commander Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) / Maritime Security (MARSEC) COL Ng Xun Xi (right) and our Information Fusion Centre (IFC) hosted the Deputy Chief of Maritime Affairs (Brazilian Navy) RADM Washington Luiz de Paula Santos (left) at RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base.

The leaders signed a Memorandum of Understanding to affirm both navies' commitment to cooperate in the domain of Information Exchange relating to White Shipping. They also discussed IFC's role in facilitating actionable information-sharing between MARSEC entities and the shipping industry, as well as its efforts in contributing to MARSEC.

Looking forward to advancing our bilateral cooperation to ensure #SafeAndSecureSeasForAll!

Chairman of the Commission for External Relations of the Communist Party of Vietnam visits IFC

10 Jan 25

Chairman of the Commission for External Relations of the Communist Party of Vietnam visits IFC

Yesterday, our Information Fusion Centre (IFC) hosted the Chairman of the Commission for External Relations of the Communist Party of Vietnam Mr Le Hoai Trung (centre) as part of his visit to Singapore under the S R Nathan Fellowship from 7 - 11 Jan.

During his visit, Mr Trung met with the personnel at IFC, including the International Liaison Officers (ILOs) who play an instrumental part to facilitate information-sharing between IFC and their home operations centres. In support of strengthening regional maritime security, Vietnam has deployed three ILOs who are from the Vietnam People's Navy, Vietnam Coast Guard, and Vietnam Border Guard, to IFC.

These strong linkages enable our respective enforcement agencies to respond in a timely manner to maritime security incidents.

Over $254,000 Raised at the 18th RSN Charity Heartstrings

21 Nov 24

Over $254,000 Raised at the 18th RSN Charity Heartstrings

A heartfelt appreciation to our Navy Family, whose generous contributions helped raise over $254,000 at the 18th RSN Charity Heartstrings conducted earlier this year. The donations collected from the Navy Family support the President's Challenge, the SAF Benevolent Fund, the SAF Care Fund, and our eight adopted charities - Anglican Care Centre (Simei), Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home, Fernvale Garden School, APSN Katong School, MINDSville@Napiri, Peace Haven Nursing Home, Society for the Aged Sick and Sunbeam Place.

Chief of Navy RADM Sean Wat recently presented the cheques to representatives from the President's Challenge, SAF Benevolent Fund and SAF Care Fund at the RSN Swim For Hope 2024 Finale.

Collaborating to Strengthen Professional Ties

18 Nov 24

Collaborating to Strengthen Professional Ties

Our Master Chief Navy ME6 Richard Goh participated in the Western Pacific Naval Symposium Senior Enlisted Leaders Working Group (WPNS SELWG) 2024 that was held earlier this month. ME6 Goh was joined by our Fleet Master Chief SWO Seck Wai Kong for the working group. Together, they interacted with counterparts from eight other nations and discussed issues of common interests, as well as avenues to strengthen cooperation between the participating navies.

The WPNS SELWG 2024 was hosted by the United States Navy in Hawaii, USA.

Photo courtesy of Mass Communication Specialist Chief Sean Weir (USN)

Enhancing Naval Information Sharing Between Singapore and UK

18 Jul 24

Enhancing Naval Information Sharing Between Singapore and UK

On 11 Jul 2024, Head Naval Operations RADM Augustine Lim and Director, Maritime Domain Awareness Programme (MDAP), Royal Navy (RN), Mr Terry Gibson signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance information sharing between the two navies.

The renewal of the MOU, last signed in 2009, reflects the nature and depth of the relationship between both navies. It serves to strengthen the operational cooperation between the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) and RN MDAP.

Hosting Distinguished Guests from UK and Vietnam at IFC

04 Jun 24

Hosting Distinguished Guests from UK and Vietnam at IFC

Last week, our Information Fusion Centre (IFC) hosted Rt Hon Anne-Marie Trevelyan, UK's Minister of State for Indo-Pacific, and Vietnam Deputy Minister of National Defense Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien at RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base. Both leaders were in Singapore to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue. 

IFC shared about the importance of information sharing in enhancing regional and extra-regional maritime security.

Our Navy and both leaders from UK and Vietnam reaffirmed their committed to strengthen cooperation to ensure safer seas for all.

Malaysian Armed Forces Chief of Defence Forces Visits IFC

14 May 24

Malaysian Armed Forces Chief of Defence Forces Visits IFC

Malaysian Armed Forces Chief of Defence Forces, General (GEN) Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman visited the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) on 7 May 2024 as part of his introductory visit to Singapore. He was hosted by Commander Maritime Security Task Force / Maritime Security Command COL Ng Xun Xi. 
During his visit, GEN Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohammad was introduced to the IFC and its role in ensuring maritime security for our region through timely and accurate sharing of information between our regional and extra-regional maritime partners.  
We hope that GEN Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohammad had a fruitful time in the IFC, and a good visit in Singapore!

Photo courtesy of MCO

Meeting with Command Master Chief of German Navy in Germany

25 Apr 24

Meeting with Command Master Chief of German Navy in Germany

Last week, our Master Chief of Navy, ME6 Richard Goh (third from left) met his German counterpart, Command Master Chief of German Navy, MCPO Lars Raabe (second from left) in Germany. 

The RSN delegation visited the training facilities of the German Navy's Petty Officer School in Plon, as well as the Naval Base in Eckernförd, including the Submarine Training Centre.

The Singapore Navy and German Navy share a longstanding and strong defence relations, with frequent interactions at all levels. This includes high-level visits and dialogues, military-to-military exchanges, cross-attendance of professional courses, as well as technology collaboration.

Anti-Piracy and Sea Robbery Conference 2024

19 Apr 24

Anti-Piracy and Sea Robbery Conference 2024

On 16 April 24, Commander Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) / Maritime Security (MARSEC) Command COL Ng Xun Xi attended the Anti-Piracy and Sea Robbery Conference 2024, jointly organised by ReCAAP's Information Sharing Centre, the Asian Shipowners Association, INTERTANKO, and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS). 

COL Ng was one of the panel speakers that discussed the topic "How Resilient is the Global Maritime System?" He highlighted that information sharing entities such as ReCAAP and the RSN's Information Fusion Centre play important roles to facilitate information sharing and collaboration between MARSEC entities, enabling enforcement agencies to respond more effectively to MARSEC challenges. He further shared that other similar information sharing centres have also emulated this model to tackle common MARSEC challenges.

International Collaboration and Insights at the 45th SAM

07 Mar 24

International Collaboration and Insights at the 45th SAM

On 29 Feb 24, our Information Fusion Centre (IFC) co-organised the 45th Shared Awareness Meeting (SAM) in collaboration with the Asian Shipowners' Association and the Singapore Shipping Association. 

Over 200 representatives attended in-person and virtually across 12 countries, including our Maritime Security (MARSEC) partners from the Regional Maritime Information Fusion Centre (RMIFC) in Madagascar, Thailand Maritime Enforcement Coordinating Centre (Thai-MECC) and Information Fusion Centre – Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR). Speakers shared MARSEC updates and discussed international efforts to ensure the safety of commercial shipping in the Red Sea region, as well as ideas to enhance MARSEC in the digital age. 

Meeting with Navy Leaders at SA2024

20 Feb 24

Meeting with Navy Leaders at SA2024

Our Chief of Navy RADM Sean Wat met with some of his counterparts at the sidelines of the Singapore Airshow 2024 (SA2024) earlier today. 

RADM Wat met with (top row, L to R) Chief of the Indonesian Navy (KASAL) ADM Muhammad Ali, Royal Cambodian Navy Commander ADM Tea Vinh, (bottom row, L to R) Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People’s Navy RADM Pham Nhu Xuan, and Royal Malaysian Navy Deputy Chief of Navy VADM Dato’ Zulhelmy bin Ithnain.

RADM Wat took the opportunity to thank his counterparts for their support for the Singapore Airshow and to discuss areas for further collaboration.

Safe and Secure Seas Through Strengthened Cooperation

06 Feb 24

Safe and Secure Seas Through Strengthened Cooperation

Last week, our Information Fusion Centre (IFC) at RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base hosted the Fiji Navy's Acting Chief of Staff Commander Ratu Isoa Damudamu Dranikaibeqa Tokalauvere and Director Military Intelligence from the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) Lieutenant Colonel Ratu Esira Natoravu Kulavati, and discussed ways to strengthen cooperation in information sharing. 

IFC took the opportunity to highlight upcoming key initiatives to promote cooperation amongst MARSEC partners and the shipping community, such as the upcoming 45th Shared Awareness Meeting (SAM) and 12th Regional MARSEC Practitioners Programme (RMPP) in February and July respectively, and invited the RFMF to participate.

We look forward to strengthening our relationship with the RFMF. It is through the cooperation amongst maritime agencies that we can continue to ensure Safe and Secure Seas For All.

European Union Mission Visit to IFC

23 Jan 24

European Union Mission Visit to IFC

The IFC recently hosted Dr Benedikta von Seherr-Thoß, Managing Director for Peace, Security and Defence at the European External Action Service, European Union to a visit at the IFC, and discussed ways to enhance future cooperation based on mutual interests. 

The IFC also took the opportunity to highlight the contributions of of France International Liaison Officer (ILO) CDR Stephan Litzler who double-hats as the European Union and French ILO to the IFC. CDR Litzler is a key member of the IFC's Theft, Robbery At Sea (TRAPS) Cluster, and has played a key role in strengthening IFC's cooperation with the EU. 

We look forward to deepening this relationship so as to ensure Safe and Secure Seas For All!

Charting the Course for Maritime Security at the 15th Nautical Forum 2024

18 Jan 24

Charting the Course for Maritime Security at the 15th Nautical Forum 2024

On 9 Jan 24, Deputy Commander Maritime Security (MARSEC) Command / Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) COL Michael Chan spoke at the 15th Nautical Forum 2024, which was jointly organised by the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia Information Sharing Centre (ReCAAP ISC), Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Singapore Shipping Association (SSA).

During his sharing, COL Chan highlighted Singapore's comprehensive approach towards addressing sea robbery incidents in this region and emphasised the importance of close collaboration with various Whole-of-Government agencies, regional MARSEC authorities, the Information Fusion Centre (IFC) and the shipping community to ensure safer seas for all.

8th Indian Ocean Naval Symposium

22 Dec 23

8th Indian Ocean Naval Symposium

Our Commander Maritime Security Task Force (MSTF) / Maritime Security (MARSEC) Command RADM Augustine Lim attended the 8th Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) which was hosted by the Royal Thai Navy from 19 to 22 Dec in Bangkok, Thailand. 

RADM Lim joined leaders from navies and maritime enforcement agencies from 26 other countries at the meeting to discuss ways to enhance cooperation for maritime security in the Indian Ocean region. Participants also shared views and ideas at the IONS Seminar which was themed "Blue Economy: Ways Forward for Sustainable Development of IONS Member States".

Fostering Trust at the WPNS Senior Enlisted Leaders Working Group

11 Dec 23

Fostering Trust at the WPNS Senior Enlisted Leaders Working Group

Our Master Chief Navy ME6 Richard Goh attended the Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) Senior Enlisted Leaders Working Group (SELWG), which was organised by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in Tokyo, Japan from 5 to 7 Dec 23. 

Themed "Leadership Styles for the Next Generation", the SELWG focused on promoting mutual cooperation and fostering trust amongst the WPNS navies. During the event, ME6 Goh met with his counterparts from 18 other countries, and engaged in group discussions and presentations.

Deepening friendship at "Deep Sea Warrior"

26 Oct 23

Deepening friendship at "Deep Sea Warrior"

Our Navy was at the recent "Deep Sea Warrior" International Sailing Skills Competition and Naval International Cadets Week organised by the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy) held in Qingdao, China.

Themed "Joining Hands to Build a Maritime Community with a Shared Future, and Making the Ocean More Peaceful and Prosperous in Our Era", Deep Sea Warrior provided an excellent opportunity to foster friendship with other navies.

Welcoming Japan Parliamentary Vice-Minister to Changi Naval Base

28 Aug 23

Welcoming Japan Parliamentary Vice-Minister to Changi Naval Base

Last Friday, our Navy welcomed Japan Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Defence Kimura Jiro for a visit to our Information Fusion Centre (IFC) at RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base. We shared about how IFC and their team of International Liaison Officers ensures safe and secure seas through timely information sharing with their partner operational centres and enforcement agencies.  
Parliamentary Vice-Minister Kimura also visited our Navy Museum where we shared about our naval heritage and journey.
Strengthening our Cooperation with Navies and Other Partners

01 Jun 23

Strengthening our Cooperation with Navies and Other Partners

This morning, our Chief of Navy RADM Sean Wat joined other fellow Navy Chiefs and representatives at the 8th Multilateral Maritime Virtual Key Leaders Engagement (KLE). Hosted by Commander US Pacific Fleet ADM Samuel Paparo, the theme for the 8th KLE was "Maritime Challenges in Combatting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF)".

During his sharing, RADM Wat talked about the importance of information-sharing through platforms such as the Information Fusion Centre to enhance interoperability and deepen trust and mutual understanding. RADM Wat also discussed the importance of expanding cooperation beyond navies to include coast guards in tackling maritime security challenges.

Strengthening Maritime Security Collaboration in the Region

28 Apr 23

Strengthening Maritime Security Collaboration in the Region

Yesterday, COL Augustine Lim, Commander MARSEC Command / Maritime Security Task Force, Republic of Singapore Navy was invited by ReCAAP ISC to speak at the Piracy and Sea Robbery Conference 2023, which brings together participants from the shipping industry, maritime and law enforcement agencies.

During the panel discussion, COL Lim highlighted that the shipping industry should consider the importance of utilising and sharing information with relevant agencies for prompt action, the crucial role of deterrence in ensuring maritime security, and that all seafarers should adopt an "all hands on deck" mentality in watching out for one another.

The Information Fusion Centre, along with its International Liaison Officers, also attended the conference to engage the industry and better understand their MARSEC concerns and priorities.

Introductory Meeting with the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy

17 Mar 23

Introductory Meeting with the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy

On 14 Mar 23, Chief of Staff - Naval Staff, RADM Edwin Leong met his counterpart, Vice Chief of Naval Operations, ADM Lisa Franchetti at the Pentagon. 

At the meeting, both RADM Leong and ADM Franchetti reaffirmed the strong and longstanding partnership between both navies, and looked forward to continued engagements to further enhance cooperation. 

As the Navy's Chief Sustainability Officer, RADM Leong also attended the 15th Operational Energy Summit as part of his working visit.

Keeping our ties warm with the Indonesian Navy

31 Jan 23

Keeping our ties warm with the Indonesian Navy

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng met with the new Chief of the Indonesian Navy ADM Muhammad Ali via VTC this afternoon. Both leaders reaffirmed the strong and long-standing relationship between our navies and discussed areas of further cooperation in maritime security.

Our navies interact regularly through exercises such as Exercise Eagle Indopura and Exercise Super Garuda Shield, as well as through visits and professional exchanges. 

ADM Muhammad Ali has been a good friend and consistent supporter of the TNI AL-RSN relationship. We would like to congratulate him on his appointment as Chief of Navy and look forward to more opportunities to strengthen the friendship between our navies.

Strengthening Regional Maritime Security Cooperation

22 Nov 22

Strengthening Regional Maritime Security Cooperation

Chief of Staff-Naval Staff, RADM Edwin Leong joined fellow navy leaders from the region at the 7th Maritime Multilateral Virtual Key Leadership Engagement (KLE), which was hosted by the United States Navy Pacific Fleet on 22 Nov 2022. 

Themed "Maritime Domain Awareness in a Post Pandemic Operational Environment", RADM Leong said during the engagement that it was important to continue to strengthen mutual understanding and trust amongst navies. One useful way to do so was through open, regular dialogues such as KLE. RADM Leong also shared on the RSN's initiatives in maritime information-sharing, a key essential to ensure safety and security at sea.

Introductory Meeting with Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy

01 Nov 22

Introductory Meeting with Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng met with the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy ADM Cherngchai Chomcherngpat in an introductory meeting via video teleconference on 27 Oct 2022. Both leaders reaffirmed the longstanding bilateral relationship between our Navies, underpinned by strong people-to-people ties, and had a fruitful discussion on exploring new areas of cooperation.

Both of our Navies interact regularly through visits and operational engagements. Most recently, we also commemorated the 20th edition of the bilateral Exercise Singsiam in March this year - a testament to our close friendship and mutual understanding!

Presentation of "Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite" to CNV

29 Jul 22

Presentation of "Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite" to CNV

On 29 Jun 22, our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng was conferred the title of "Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite" by His Excellency Marc Abensour, Ambassador of France to Singapore, at the French Residence in Singapore.

In the presentation ceremony, RADM Beng expressed his appreciation for the France Navy's (FN) support on our Formidable-class Frigate programme and looked forward to upcoming face-to-face meetings and symposiums.

RADM Beng reaffirmed the strong partnership the FN has with the RSN. Both navies interact regularly through high-level visits, dialogues, and bilateral exercises. Earlier last year, both navies also successfully conducted a bilateral PASSEX, between the FN's Mistral-class amphibious assault ship, FS TonnerreLa Fayette-class frigate FS Surcouf and our frigate RSS Steadfast.

Maintaining Warm Ties with a Close Partner

22 Jul 22

Maintaining Warm Ties with a Close Partner

The Indonesian Navy First Fleet Commander RADM Arsyad Abdullah was in Singapore on his inaugural visit from 20 to 22 July 2022, where he met with Commander, Maritime Security (MARSEC) Command/Maritime Security Task Force RADM Yong Wei Hsiung. 
Both leaders discussed on ways to strengthen bilateral relations and enhance maritime cooperation between the two navies, such as through information-sharing and operational collaboration to ensure maritime security in our region. 
Both commanders affirmed the close and long-standing ties between our navies and looked forward to enhancing cooperation in the near future. 
Strengthening Ties with the Johor State Maritime (JSM), Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA)

22 Jul 22

Strengthening Ties with the Johor State Maritime (JSM), Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA)

Deputy Commander Maritime Security (MARSEC) Command, COL Rinson Chua, met Director JSM, FADM (M) Nurul Hizam Bin Zakaria in Johor Bahru this morning.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to share information on incidents at sea to enhance maritime security. In addition, professional exchanges and crew interactions were discussed to strengthen the relationship between both agencies.

Our Navy actively engages regional maritime agencies, such as the MMEA, to strengthen maritime security and cooperation.

Deepening Ties with the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency

12 Jul 22

Deepening Ties with the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency

On 12 Jul 22, Commander Maritime Security (MARSEC) Command, RADM Yong Wei Hsiung, met Director-General, ADM(M) Dato' Mohd Zubil Bin Mat Som in MMEA's HQ, Putrajaya. 

During the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen cooperation and share information on incidents at sea, such as through our operation centres, to enhance maritime security.

Introductory Meeting with Chief of the German Navy

19 May 22

Introductory Meeting with Chief of the German Navy

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng met with the Chief of German Navy VADM Jan Christian Kaack in an introductory meeting via tele-conference yesterday. Both leaders reaffirmed the bilateral relationship between our navies, which remained strong at both the leadership and operational levels despite the hurdles posed by COVID-19 in the past two years. 

RADM Beng expressed his appreciation for the German Navy's support on our submarine programme and looked forward to upcoming face-to-face meetings. 

Both navies interact regularly through high-level visits and dialogues, professional exchanges on submarine training, and cross-attendance of courses. Earlier this year, both navies also successfully conducted a bilateral PASSEX.

Strengthening Mutual Support between Navies

18 May 22

Strengthening Mutual Support between Navies

This morning, our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng joined his fellow Navy leaders at the 6th Multilateral Maritime Virtual Key Leaders Engagement. Hosted by US Commander Pacific Fleet ADM Samuel Paparo, the theme for the 6th KLE was "Maritime Mutual Support in Peacetime".

During his sharing, RADM Beng reaffirmed the importance of strengthening interoperability and reinvigorating dialogue, such as through ADMM-Plus exercises and Western Pacific Naval Symposium, to build mutual support in the face of global uncertainties.

Strengthening Close Ties with NZ

04 Mar 22

Strengthening Close Ties with NZ

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and Chief of Navy of Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN), RADM David Proctor met over a video teleconference today. The two leaders reaffirmed close and long-standing relationship between both navies and are heartened that regular interactions in 2021 continued despite the COVID-19 situation.

The leaders agreed on the importance for like-minded partners like RSN and RNZN to uphold a rules-based maritime order, and the need for Five Power Defence Arrangement (FPDA) member-nations' continued commitment towards FPDA and its exercises. 

The meeting ended on a high note, with both chiefs looking forward to other interactions in the year.

Participating in the 5th Multilateral Maritime Virtual Key Leaders Engagement

26 Jan 22

Participating in the 5th Multilateral Maritime Virtual Key Leaders Engagement

Yesterday, our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng participated in the 5th Multilateral Maritime Virtual Key Leaders Engagement, which was hosted by Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet ADM Samuel Paparo. The theme for the session was "Reinvigorating Partnerships at Sea in 2022". 

As part of his sharing, RADM Beng reaffirmed the importance of strengthening cooperation among navies to uphold the rules-based order and enhance maritime security. Leaders from the regional navies also acknowledged the utility of sustaining dialogue, operational linkages and exercises to reinvigorate partnerships at sea in the coming year.

Strengthening Security and Defence Cooperation in the Region

25 Jan 22

Strengthening Security and Defence Cooperation in the Region

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and Commander, Maritime Security Command / Maritime Security Task Force RADM Yong Wei Hsiung met with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Commander Pacific Area VADM Michael McAllister via video teleconference this morning. 
This meeting reaffirmed the close and longstanding bilateral relations shared by our countries. The leaders agreed on the importance of enhancing maritime security cooperation in the region and discussed ways to increase engagements and cooperation, as well as to foster mutual understanding and trust. 
Our Navy actively engages maritime agencies, including maritime law enforcement agencies such as the USCG, to strengthen security and defence cooperation in the region.
1st ASEAN Navy Training Experience Exchange Program

23 Dec 21

1st ASEAN Navy Training Experience Exchange Program

The ASEAN Navy Training Experience Exchange Program (ANTEEP) is an initiative by the Vietnam People's Navy that was recently endorsed at the 15th ASEAN Navy Chiefs Meeting in August 2021 as a means for ASEAN navies to exchange professional expertise and experience in various areas such as navigation, communication, seamanship, and damage control. The 1st ANTEEP was conducted on 16 Dec and hosted by the Vietnam People's Navy.  

Participants for the 1st ANTEEP met via video teleconference to share their practical knowledge and experience in damage control training. ME5 Jesvinder Singh and ME3 Sugumaran from the Navigation and Sailor Skills School (NSSS) at our Naval Military Expert Institute represented the RSN to share about our Damage Control Trainer and how training is calibrated and progressive within the RSN. They also shared about Damage Control innovation projects that were ongoing in the RSN. 

"It was a very interesting and eye-opening experience. I learnt about the different equipment that they use for damage control as well as how their damage control training is structured. I also gained a better appreciation of how my ASEAN training counterparts overcame restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and continued to meet training requirements." - ME3 Sugumaran, Instructor at the Fire Fighting Damage Control Wing, NSSS

Meeting of Medical Minds at the WPNS Naval Medicine Seminar

20 Dec 21

Meeting of Medical Minds at the WPNS Naval Medicine Seminar

Naval medical practitioners from 22 countries met virtually over on 14-15 Dec 2021 to share their knowledge and insights for military medical operations at this year's Naval Medicine Seminar, part of the biennial Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS).
One focus of this year's seminar was how navies had adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years. Our medical officers from the Navy Medical Service (NMS) shared their experience on enabling the RSN to "Deploy Clean, Remain Clean, Return Clean". NMS was represented by COL(DR) Shalini Arulanandam, SLTC(DR) James Kwek, MAJ(DR) Mark Lim and MAJ(DR) Zebedee Wong, who presented on behalf of NMS.
"The Naval Medicine Seminar was a good opportunity for RSN and other International Navies to discuss best clinical practices in our responses to maritime disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic", shared MAJ(DR) Zebedee Wong, "It was a privilege to be able to share our RSN experience, and also learn from our medical counterparts all over the world."
Strengthening Ties with Chinese Navy

23 Nov 21

Strengthening Ties with Chinese Navy

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the new Commander of the People's Liberation Army Navy Admiral Dong Jun held an introductory call over video teleconference on 23 Nov. The two leaders reaffirmed the warm and friendly bilateral relations, and discussed ways to strengthen friendships and enhance maritime cooperation.  
Both navies continued to maintain regular interactions through passage exercises and interactions between senior leadership in spite of the COVID pandemic. These interactions foster mutual understanding and trust between the two navies.
Strengthening Maritime Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region

16 Nov 21

Strengthening Maritime Cooperation in the Indian Ocean Region

Chief of Staff - Naval Staff, RADM Edwin Leong took part in the 7th Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) Conclave of Chiefs in Paris, France. IONS includes 24 coastal nations along the Indian Ocean, and eight observer nations. Hosted by the French Navy from 15 to 16 Nov, the Conclave discussed and reaffirmed IONS navies' efforts towards cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, information sharing, maritime and environment security, and commitment to an important maritime security architecture to the region.
Promoting Cooperation and Strengthening Ties Amongst Western Pacific Navies

27 Oct 21

Promoting Cooperation and Strengthening Ties Amongst Western Pacific Navies

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng participated in the 17th Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) held virtually on 26 and 27 Oct 2021. Chaired by the Philippine Navy, this year's symposium saw the participation of chiefs and representatives from 20 member and eight observer navies. Conducted virtually due to COVID-19, the symposium was a useful platform to discuss maritime issues of common interests and to build trust and confidence.
Reaffirming Close and Longstanding Navy Ties

25 Oct 21

Reaffirming Close and Longstanding Navy Ties

Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng met with newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Navy ADM Somprasong Nilsamai via video teleconference on 25 Oct 2021. The meeting reaffirmed the close and longstanding ties between the two navies, and underscored the mutual understanding and cooperation built through professional exchanges since the first bilateral Exercise Singsiam in 1981. Both navy chiefs had fruitful discussions on ways to strengthen bilateral relations, deepen mutual understanding, and enhance maritime cooperation between the two navies.

Photo courtesy of the Royal Thai Navy.

Chief of Navy, RADM Aaron Beng, at the US 24th International Seapower Symposium

17 Sep 21

Chief of Navy, RADM Aaron Beng, at the US 24th International Seapower Symposium

Our Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Aaron Beng, joined more than 140 delegates, including heads of navies and coast guards from more than 100 nations at U.S. Naval War College in Rhode Island, US from 14-17 September 2021 for the 24th International Seapower Symposium.

At the symposium, RADM Beng spoke on how COVID-19 impacted on navies and maritime security, and reiterated the need for navies and maritime agencies to continue to work together. "While the bulk of the global attention is on COVID-19 and its direct impact on shipping, we also see that other long-term threats to safe and secure seas continue." He added, "In Southeast Asia, we have seen how the pandemic has exacerbated piracy, smuggling and trans-border illegal migration. Navies and coast guards must redouble our efforts and keep up cooperation in combating maritime security threats."

During his visit to the United States, RADM Beng also called on US Secretary of the Navy, Mr Carlos Del Toro.

Chief of Navy, RADM Aaron Beng, Speaks at the 4th International Maritime Security Symposium (IMSS) Organised by the TNI AL

24 Aug 21

Chief of Navy, RADM Aaron Beng, Speaks at the 4th International Maritime Security Symposium (IMSS) Organised by the TNI AL

This morning, Chief of Navy, RADM Aaron Beng spoke at the 4th International Maritime Security Symposium (IMSS) organised by the TNI AL and attended by Chiefs and representatives from 25 navies.

RADM Beng's speech, titled "A Blueprint to Strengthen Information-Sharing to Enhance Regional Maritime Security", touched on the increasing complexities of maritime threats such as terrorism and piracy, especially during the pandemic, and suggested ways to improve information sharing for greater regional maritime security cooperation. This included (a) enhancing technology and infrastructure to make information-sharing secure, convenient, and useful, (b) strengthening operational linkages of existing information-sharing mechanisms beyond traditional maritime enforcement agencies, and (c) enhancing trust amongst like-minded partners.

On behalf of KASAL ADM Yudo Margono and the TNI AL, the Indonesian Defence Attaché to Singapore KOL Benny Arfan presented a token of appreciation to RADM Aaron Beng at MINDEF after the session.

Building Collective Resilience Between Navies

15 Jul 21

Building Collective Resilience Between Navies

On 15 Jul 2021, Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng participated in the 4th Indo-Pacific Multilateral Maritime Virtual Key Leaders Engagement (KLE), alongside 13 other navies. Hosted by Commander Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT) ADM Samuel Paparo, commanders spoke on how they looked forward to resuming physical interactions as COVID-19 pandemic comes under control, to maintain the personal relationships and mutual trust amongst navies.
Introductory Call by German Navy Chief

25 May 21

Introductory Call by German Navy Chief

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Chief of German Navy VADM Kay-Achim Schönbach conducted their introductory meeting via video-teleconference on 25 May 2021. The two leaders reaffirmed the growing bilateral relationship between both navies. Both navy chiefs discussed ways to strengthen the bilateral relations and deepen cooperation in areas of mutual interest.
Both navies regularly interact through high-level visits and dialogues, professional exchanges on submarine training, and cross-attendance of courses. Since Feb 2020, the German Navy also attached an International Liaison Officer to Singapore's Information Fusion Centre. These interactions enhance interoperability and foster mutual understanding between the two navies. 
Maintaining Warm Relations with the Philippines

07 May 21

Maintaining Warm Relations with the Philippines

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Chief of Navy Philippine Navy VADM Giovanni Carlo J Bacordo conducted their introductory meeting via video teleconference today. The meeting underscored the warm and good bilateral relationship between the two ASEAN navies. Both navy chiefs spoke on ways to strengthen bilateral relations and deepen mutual understanding between the two navies. They also discussed means to enhance maritime security cooperation through the attached International Liaison Officer in Singapore's Information Fusion Centre!
Strengthening Relations and Cooperation Between Navies

29 Apr 21

Strengthening Relations and Cooperation Between Navies

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Commander of the People's Liberation Army (Navy) (PLAN) ADM Shen Jinlong had an introductory call over video teleconference this morning.
The two leaders reaffirmed the warm and friendly relations between both navies. Both navy chiefs also discussed ways to strengthen friendships and enhance mutual understanding, including cooperation in areas of mutual interest.
Earlier in February, a passage exercise was conducted between RSN and PLAN ships in the southern reaches of the South China Sea within international waters – testament to the good relations established. We look forward to meeting up with our Chinese friends at the International Maritime Security Conference in July and future naval exercises at sea!
Affirming Warm Ties

22 Apr 21

Affirming Warm Ties

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Chief of the Royal Malaysian Navy ADM Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany spoke over a teleconference this afternoon and reaffirmed the warm and long-standing bilateral relationship between our navies. Both navy chiefs also committed to strengthening cooperation through bilateral Exercise Malapura and multilateral architecture such as the Five Power Defence Arrangements.
Reaffirming Ties with a Close Partner

16 Apr 21

Reaffirming Ties with a Close Partner

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Chief of the Indonesian Navy (KASAL) ADM Yudo Margono reaffirmed mutual commitment to strengthen cooperation and enhance interoperability between both navies over a video teleconference call earlier today. The call included a virtual gift exchange.

During the call, RADM Beng and ADM Yudo expressed mutual appreciation that both navies continued to work closely together to ensure maritime security in our region, despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. Our ships also conducted a passage exercise in 2020. The two navy chiefs looked forward to continued engagements between the two navies.

Strengthening Close Ties with Brunei

24 Mar 21

Strengthening Close Ties with Brunei

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng had a fruitful video teleconference with Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy (RBN) FADM Spry bin Haji Serudi. 

This was their first meeting since FADM Spry took over as Commander in December 2020. RADM Beng and FADM Spry reaffirmed the strong and long-standing bilateral relationship that both our navies had built upon generations of people-to-people ties across all levels. Both navy chiefs also discussed ways to further strengthen cooperation and enhance interoperability between the RSN and RBN.

Enhanced Interoperability and Mutual Understanding

06 Oct 20

Enhanced Interoperability and Mutual Understanding

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and Chief of Navy, Royal New Zealand Navy, RADM David Proctor met over a video teleconference today. The two navy chiefs reaffirmed the close and long-standing bilateral relationship and committed to strengthening cooperation between the two navies.

In addition to multilateral exercises like the recent Rim of the Pacific Exercise, both navies engage in regular interactions through professional exchanges as part of the Five Power Defence Arrangements, ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting-Plus and Western Pacific Naval Symposium. These interactions have enhanced the interoperability and mutual understanding between the personnel of both navies.

Participation in Leadership Engagement

25 Sep 20

Participation in Leadership Engagement

"As we cope with the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential for navies to find a way to increase interactions and collaboration." – RADM Aaron Beng, Chief of Navy

Earlier today, RADM Beng had the opportunity to participate in the US Pacific Fleet Multilateral Virtual Key Leadership Engagement with 13 of his counterparts from across the region. The various navy chiefs shared on how navies could continue operating in the current COVID-19 environment. They also reaffirmed the importance of maintaining such dialogues to facilitate mutual understanding, at a time when physical interactions are much curtailed. 

Reaffirming Ties with Royal Brunei Navy

13 Aug 20

Reaffirming Ties with Royal Brunei Navy

This morning, our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Commander of the Royal Brunei Navy, FADM Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Othman, met over a video teleconference. They reaffirmed the strong relationship between the two navies, which was built through professional interactions and personal friendships. RADM Beng and FADM Dato Othman were glad that both navies continued to strengthen interoperability through the bilateral Exercise Pelican held in July. Both navy chiefs also committed to continue pushing boundaries of Exercise Pelican, expand areas of cooperation, and looked forward to mutual visits once the situation allows.
Continuing Friendships and Growing Cooperation

21 Jul 20

Continuing Friendships and Growing Cooperation

Our Chief of Navy, RADM Aaron Beng and the Chief of the Indonesian Coast Guard (KABAKAMLA), VADM Aan Kurnia renewed their friendship through a fruitful video teleconference call this afternoon. Also in the call was Commander of the Maritime Security (MARSEC) Command, RADM Yong Wei Hsiung. The strong operational linkages established between MARSEC Command and BAKAMLA over the years have enabled both agencies to work closely to ensure regional maritime security. This relationship will be strengthened through links between our Navy's Information Fusion Centre and the BAKAMLA's new Indonesian Maritime Information Centre (IMIC). RADM Beng also congratulated VADM Aan on the upcoming launch of the new centre on 22 Jul.
Strengthening Close Ties with Indonesian Navy

06 Jul 20

Strengthening Close Ties with Indonesian Navy

This afternoon, our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Chief of the Indonesian Navy (KASAL) ADM Yudo Margono met for the first time over a video tele-conference. RADM Beng and ADM Yudo affirmed the strong and long-standing relationship between the navies – the RSN did our very first bilateral exercise with the TNI AL way back in 1974! Both navies continue to work closely even today, including information sharing and cooperation on maritime security to keep the Singapore Strait safe and secure. Underlying this are generations of people-to-people ties between personnel of all levels across both navies.

Both navy chiefs agreed on the importance for our navies to maintain strong ties, continue expanding our cooperation and looked forward to mutual visits in the near future.

Forging Long-Standing Friendships

03 Jul 20

Forging Long-Standing Friendships

It is this long-standing friendship between GUSKAMLA KOARMADA I and MARSEC Command that has strengthened our operational linkages over the years. The enhanced information sharing between the two commands on maritime incidents serves as a shining example of this.

This afternoon, Deputy Commander MARSEC Command COL Sean Wat and DAN GUSKAMLA KOARMADA I FADM Yayan Sofiyan continued to build upon this relationship via a teleconferencing meeting, where they had a fruitful discussion on maritime security (MARSEC) matters such as the recent sea robbery incidents, and committed to strengthening our MARSEC cooperation even amid COVID-19.

Building Understanding for Maritime Cooperation

30 Jun 20

Building Understanding for Maritime Cooperation

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng joined navies from Asia, Europe and Middle East for the 7th Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) via video-teleconference. Hosted by the French Navy from 29 Jun to 1 Jul 2021, the conference saw discussions on how maritime cooperation could be enhanced in the Indian Ocean region, in the areas of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, maritime security, and information sharing and interoperability. Our Head of the Information Fusion Centre (IFC), LTC Lester Yong, also delivered a presentation on "Maritime Security Information Sharing and Cooperation", where he highlighted how IFC continues to work with key partners to facilitate information sharing and cooperation to enhance maritime security, despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Staying Committed to Bilateral Relations Amidst COVID-19

29 Jun 20

Staying Committed to Bilateral Relations Amidst COVID-19

Earlier today, our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and the Chief of the Royal Malaysian Navy ADM Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany shared a fruitful teleconversation. Both navy chiefs reaffirmed our close and long-standing bilateral relations, as well as our commitment to key multilateral architecture such as the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA).
Reaffirming Longstanding and Close RSN-FN Ties

23 Sep 19

Reaffirming Longstanding and Close RSN-FN Ties

Our Chief of Navy RADM Aaron Beng and French Navy Chief of Staff ADM Pierre Vandier spoke over a video conference today. RADM Beng and ADM Vandier reaffirmed the longstanding and close RSN-FN ties, and their desire for both navies to continue to work closely to promote a maritime rules-based order, and deepen maritime security cooperation. They also shared their mutual interest in strengthening cooperation and interoperability between the two navies, through more exercises at sea.

Both navies conduct regular interactions, in the form of bilateral exercises, PASSEXes, cross-exchange of visits at both the senior and junior levels.