2nd Lieutenant (2lt) — captain (cpt)
- Certificate of Competence
- Bridge Watch-Keeping Certificate
- Assistant Operations Officer of a Warship/Submarine
- Operations Officer of a Warship/Submarine/Aircraft
- Executive Officer of a Warship/Submarine
- Staff Officer/Section Head (Shore Appointment)
- Flotilla Commander/Senior Commander/Department Head (e.g. Fleet Commander, Commander Maritime Security Task Force, Commander Naval Diving Unit, Commander Maritime Training and Doctrine Command, Head Naval Personnel, Head Naval Intelligence, Head Naval Operations, Head Naval Plans, Head Naval Training, Head Naval Inspectorate)
- Chief of Staff – Naval Staff
- Chief of Navy

Mission Crew Wings
The Mission Crew Wing is awarded to TACCOs and SENSOs in the flying squadrons who have completed the Mission Crew Conversion Course and reflect a high level of competency.

Submariner’s Badge
The RSN Submariner’s Badge is represented by two dolphins flanking the RSN Crest. Dolphins have a universal appeal, symbolising many of the traits highly desired of a submariner. The dolphins represent skilfulness, intelligence, strength, determination, esprit de corps, aggressiveness and fighting spirit. The waves caused by the dolphins leaping out of the surface are a display of strength and power.

Naval Diver’s Badge
The lion and tiger, which represent the nation, frame the traditional diver’s hard hat and show that we are the only SAF unit that specialises in diving. The hard hat represents strength, determination, aggressiveness and fighting spirit of the divers. The waves symbolise the underpinning naval tradition and highlight the relentless spirit of the special breed of men with a “nothing-stands-in-our-way” attitude.

Naval Warfare Badge
The Naval Warfare Badge signifies the professional expertise of the Naval Warfare Officer in the conduct of maritime warfare. The crest in the centre of the badge represents the Republic of Singapore Navy. The swords are a symbol of the Officer Corp. The sea waves depict the naval character of the badge.
- Section Head/Staff Officer (e.g. Engineering, Systems Engineering, Military Logistics, Plans & Operations)
- Lead Engineer, Marine Systems/Combat Systems (ship-based or shore-based appointment)
- Accredited as Incorporated Engineer (IEng) by Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) for ME4
ME5 - ME6
- Squadron Commander
- Senior Branch Head (e.g. Engineering, Systems Engineering, Military Logistics, Plans & Operations)
- Squadron Principal Engineer
- Commanding Officer of an Engineering Centre or Naval Engineering School
- Branch Head at Engineering Centre
- Senior Staff Officer (e.g. Engineering, Systems Engineering, Military Logistics, Plans & Operations)
- Senior Engineer, Marine Systems/Combat Systems (Ship-based or shore-based appointment)

Submariner’s Badge
The RSN Submariner’s Badge is represented by two dolphins flanking the RSN Crest. Dolphins have a universal appeal, symbolising many of the traits highly desired of a submariner. The dolphins represent skilfulness, intelligence, strength, determination, esprit de corps, aggressiveness and fighting spirit. The waves caused by the dolphins leaping out of the surface are a display of strength and power.

Engineers are silent heroes. They work long hours in the machinery control room to ensure the ship operates in peak condition. The compass rose on the engineers’ badges reflects direction and symbolises the technical leadership at the heart of every engineer.

Engineers are silent heroes. They work long hours in the machinery control room to ensure the ship operates in peak condition. The compass rose on the engineers’ badges reflects direction and symbolises the technical leadership at the heart of every engineer.

Engineers are silent heroes. They work long hours in the machinery control room to ensure the ship operates in peak condition. The compass rose on the engineers’ badges reflects direction and symbolises the technical leadership at the heart of every engineer.
ME1 — ME3
- System Operator/Maintainer in various warfare and engineering systems
- System Supervisor in various warfare and engineering systems
- Cluster Chief in various warfare and engineering domains
- Cluster chief of Squadron/Ship/Domain/Base
- Expert staff in various warfare and engineering domains
- Coxswain of Ship
- Promising and good potential ME1/2/3 will be considered for early promotion to ME4 rank
ME4 — ME5
- Master Chief of Squadron/Base
- Lead Engineer, Marine Systems/Combat Systems (Ship-based or Shore-based Appointment)
- Senior Engineer, Marine Systems/Combat Systems (Ship-based or Shore-based Appointment)
- Staff Officer/Section Head/Senior Staff Officer (e.g. Engineering, Systems Engineering, Military Logistics, Plans & Operations)
- Branch Head of an Engineering Centre
- Accredited as Incorporated Engineer (IEng) by Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) for ME4
- Accredited as Chartered Engineer (CEng) by IMarEST for ME5
ME6 — ME8
- Commanding Officer of an Engineering Centre or Naval Engineering School
- Squadron Principal Engineer
- Senior Branch Head (e.g. Engineering, Systems Engineering, Military Logistics, Plans & Operations)
- Squadron Commander
- Senior Principal Engineer (Domain & Systems)
- Group Head (e.g. Engineering, Systems Engineering, Military Logistics, Plans & Operations)
- Formation Commander
- Chief Engineer, Navy

Mission Crew Wings
The Mission Crew Wing is awarded to TACCOs and SENSOs in the flying squadrons who have completed the Mission Crew Conversion Course and reflect a high level of competency.

CIC Supervisor’s Badge
The crest that stands in the centre of the badge represents the Republic of Singapore Navy. The swords are symbols of the leadership and combat rules that the CIC Supervisor performs. The sea waves depict the naval character of the badge. The silver colour depicts the fighting spirit, valour and resilience of the CIC Supervisor.

Submariners’ Badge
The RSN Submariner’s Badge is represented by two dolphins flanking the RSN Crest. Dolphins have a universal appeal, symbolising many of the traits highly desired of a submariner. The dolphins represent skilfulness, intelligence, strength, determination, esprit de corps, aggressiveness and fighting spirit. The waves caused by the dolphins leaping out of the surface are a display of strength and power.

Underwater Warfare
Sound and sonar readings used in countering underwater threats are depicted by the sonar wave symbol. The “Victory” sign represents growing strength and knowledge.

Weapon Systems (WS)/Weapon Control Systems Operator (WS-C)
Deep expertise is required in operating and maintaining complex weapons systems on board. This is represented on the badge by the outwards pointing naval guns and missiles.

Navigation Systems (NVS)
The north star and navigation radar represents direction finding and navigation, both essential skills required to guide the ship through obstacles.

Naval Supply Experts/Naval Chefs
Mealtimes are always welcome on board and the globe, with its three outward pointing arrows, represents the vital logistical support provided to Navy personnel that enables them to sail the world smoothly.

Mechanical Systems (MS) / Electrical Control Systems (ECS)/Naval Architects (NARC)
The gear and electric bolts reflect the crucial responsibility of maintaining machinery such as engine and generators.

Electronic Warfare Systems (EWS)
Featuring a shield with an atom and a raven with an electric bolt, this badge perfectly signifies the art of attacking your enemies without firing a single shot.

Communications Systems
As the vital link between the ship and shore, the CS specialist’s role in maintaining communications is symbolised by the signal flags.

Command and Control (C2)
As the “brains” of the ship, C2 operators are always on the quest for greater knowledge and expertise — symbolised by the compass rose around the radar screen.
Naval Officer Path:2nd Lieutenant (2LT) — Captain (CPT)
- Chief Instructor
- Section Head for UDG (Underwater Demolition Group), CDG (Clearance Diving Group), and SWG (Special Warfare Group)
- Officer-in-Commanding
- Special Force Team Leader
- Assistant Operations Officer of a Warship
- Bridge Watch-keeping Certificate
- Certificate of Competency
Major (MAJ) — Senior Lieutenant Colonel (SLTC)
- Head of Department
- Senior Staff Officer/Head of Branch
- Commanding Officer for Warship
- Commanding Officer for Dive School
- Unit Commanding Officer for UDG (Underwater Demolition Group), CDG (Clearance Diving Group) and SWG (Special Warfare Group)
- Operations Officer for UDG (Underwater Demolition Group), CDG (Clearance Diving Group) and SWG (Special Warfare Group)
- Shipboard Principal Warfare Officer
3rd Warrant Officer (3WO) — Chief Warrant Officer (CWO)
- SAF Sergeant Major
- Master Chief, Navy
- Formation Master Chief
- Formation Senior Medic
- Formation Safety Warrant Officer
- Operations/Intelligence Warrant Officer
- Team Leader
- Unit/Squadron Master Chief
- Formation Security Officer
- Doctrine and Development Warrant Officer
- Dive Supervisor
- Master Trainer UDT
- Instructor (Course Warrant)

US Special Forces Tab
This is awarded upon completion of the Special Forces/Special Forces Detachment Officer Qualification Course at the US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Centre and School in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

US Explosive Ordnance Disposal Badge
This badge is awarded to qualified explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians, trained to construct, deploy, disarm and dispose of high explosive munitions.

US Ranger Tab
Naval Divers who compete the highly selective 61 day-long Ranger School course in small-unit infantry combat tactics on various terrains will earn this tab.

US Navy Seal Badge
Decorating some of the world’s best maritime warriors, this coveted badge is earned by undergoing demanding training for sea, air and land operations.

Ranger Tab
This involves an intense 65-day training course by commandos, after which exceptional graduates may get to undergo advanced raining at the US Ranger School.

Special Forces Tab
To earn this tab, Naval Divers have to demonstrate the ability to conduct complex operations over land, air and sea, including counter-terrorism and hostage rescue.

Basic Parachutist Badge
Worn by those trained to operate in the air, this badge requires divers to execute five live descents with a full combat load.

Senior Diving Supervisor Badge
This badge is awarded after a 12-week course that trains divers to conduct supervision up to the maximum depth and perform treatment for diving-related operations.

Senior Professional Diver Badge
Naval Divers wear this after completing the 12-week Dive Leader Course, which imparts supervisory and dive management skills

Professional Diving Badge
This badge is earned upon completion of the a 16-week Combat Diver Course, which is specially designed to train military divers of the SAF.