NS FIT Programmes – FIT@FCC, FIT@Park, FIT@HPB Quick HIIT, FIT@SAFRA Gym, FIT@Home

All NS FIT sessions must be booked via NS Portal. Apart from NS FIT at all Fitness Conditioning Centres (FCCs), NS FIT is also conducted in the following locations:

  • FIT@Park, FIT@HPB Quick HIIT, and FIT@Home

    FIT@Park, FIT@HPB Quick HIIT, and FIT@Home provide NS Fitness training for you at convenient locations situated outside of our FCCs.

    FIT@Park features metabolic circuits and aerobic training that challenges you with new fitness protocols that are intense and short in duration. FIT@Park is only available for NSmen.

    FIT@HPB Quick HIIT is a form of metabolic circuit training which features short bursts of high intensity exercises that builds strength, endurance and aerobic fitness over time. You will also have the option to participate in fitness activities and exercise programmes in the community together with your family and friends. When you participate in FIT@HPB Quick HIIT, your friends and family may join you by booking a slot for the same HPB Quick HIIT session via HPB’s Healthy 365 mobile app.  

    FIT@Home is a virtual NS FIT programme, conducted over a commercial video conferencing platform. The virtual programme ensures you can continue to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle and stay operationally ready. FIT@Home offers you greater convenience and flexibility, while maintaining comparable standards of training and safety to other NS FIT activities. 

    Sessions at FIT@FCC, FIT@Park, FIT@HPB Quick HIIT, and FIT@Home are counted towards the total number of your completed NS FIT sessions. Please be reminded that as part of NS FIT, you are required to participate in an IPPT at any FCCs or SAFRA EnergyOne Gyms, as IPPT is not conducted at FIT@Park or FIT@HPB Quick HIIT sites.

    [Note: Due to the existing safe management measures, IPPT@SAFRA is currently suspended till further notice.]

  • FIT@SAFRA Gym is conducted at SAFRA EnergyOne Gyms.

    [Note: Due to the existing safe management measures, FIT@SAFRA Gym is currently suspended till further notice.]

    FIT@SAFRA Gym follows the same guidelines and format as NS FIT programmes in FCCs. Please be reminded that as part of NS FIT, you are required to participate in an IPPT at either the SAFRA EnergyOne Gyms or any FCCs.

    [Note: Due to the existing safe management measures, IPPT@SAFRA is currently suspended till further notice.]

    A fee* will be payable to SAFRA EnergyOne Gym for signing up for FIT@SAFRA Gym:
    o    $214 for SAFRA members and SAFRA EnergyOne Gym members
    o    $267.50 for the public

    *Disclaimer: These fees are correct as of 3 Mar 2021 and subjected to change by SAFRA.