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Fact Sheet: Strengthening Common NS Experience through One-BMT

Basic Military Training (BMT) is an initiation to the SAF and a rite of passage that every full-time National Serviceman (NSF) must go through. It is also a period for new recruits to be inducted to the military way of life and culture, and is crucial in building their resilience and commitment to defence. Since the creation of the Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) in 1987, completing BMT on Pulau Tekong has become the norm for many recruits. Since August 2016, the SAF started the trial to conduct BMT for Army combat units on Pulau Tekong, which was previously conducted at the Army combat units' camps itself. From November 2017, the SAF has fully implemented the One-BMT programme, as such NSFs who would previously have attended BMT at combat units, will now enlist directly to BMTC for a common nine-week BMT. 

One-BMT will provide a common Tekong experience for more of our NSFs. It will allow them to benefit from BMTC's dedicated training experience, infrastructure and smart devices such as LEARNet electronic tablets. Additionally, One-BMT also allows for the consolidation of training expertise and knowledge management within the BMTC, which allows training to be conducted more efficiently. Together with enhanced fitness programmes, servicemen of different fitness levels will be challenged to improve their fitness, while still training in a safe environment. 

Building our combat units from BMT maximises opportunities to strengthen unit identity and cohesion. Some One-BMT recruits who are selected for Command Schools may, upon graduation, return to their One-BMT unit, which will further strengthen small unit leadership and morale.

Since August 2016, over 2,500 NSFs have benefitted from the One-BMT programme. The One-BMT programme is expected to strengthen the common NS experience for all servicemen. 

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