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Fact Sheet: Strengthening Fitness and Promoting Healthy Living of NSmen

Fitness is an important element of operational readiness. The Army has embarked on several efforts to strengthen fitness and promote healthy living for operationally ready national servicemen (NSmen). Our intent is for NSmen to sustain fitness habits inculcated during Full-Time National Service (NS), and to continue leading a healthy lifestyle even after their Operationally Ready Date. Specifically, the Army is partnering with the Health Promotion Board (HPB) and Sport Singapore (SportSG) to create more convenient and accessible fitness opportunities outside of In-Camp Training (ICT). The Army is also leveraging technology to provide NSmen with better tools to encourage them to take greater ownership of their fitness training.

Tripartite Partnership with Health Promotion Board and Sport Singapore

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed on 5 August 2017 by HPB, SportSG and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) to promote sustainable fitness and a healthy-living culture among NSmen.

HPB-SportSG Quick High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Programme. The first initiative of the MOU is the development of the Quick HIIT programme. The programme is a HIIT workout conducted at community spaces and SportSG facilities. The aim of the programme is to provide NSmen with: (i) an alternative fitness programme in addition to those conducted by the Fitness Conditioning Centres (FCCs) in SAF camps; and (ii) greater accessibility to fitness training in the community. The pilot implementation will commence in April 2018 with full implementation from May 2018.

Smart Fitness Initiative

Anytime IPPT Preparatory Training (IPT) -- Self-Administered Fitness Training. The Army has developed a Smart Fitness Initiative that leverages technology to provide NSmen with greater flexibility to fulfil their annual fitness requirements, encourages them to take greater ownership of their fitness, and sustains a fitness culture beyond full-time NS. Trials are underway to allow NSmen to clock their IPT sessions through the use of fitness wearables at selected FCCs and SAFRA gyms When NSmen clock their IPT sessions using the fitness wearables at the FCCs and SAFRA gyms, the data that is stored on the device will be used to register for the IPT session using online fitness applications. In the next trial phase, digital identification technologies will be used to tag the device to the individual NSman so that they can be registered automatically for their IPT sessions via online fitness applications at all FCCs and more gym locations, increasing the flexibility of fitness training for our NSmen.

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