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Contact Us
For General Enquiries

NS Call Centre hotline (24-hour)
(or +65 65676767 if you are calling from overseas)
Charges apply for calls from mobile numbers to 1800 service lines.
(If you are sending attachments, the following file types are preferred: .PDF or .JPG. The email size should be no larger than 4MB)

or leave us a message:

Counselling Hotline

SAF Counselling Centre hotline (24-hour)
Charges apply for calls from mobile numbers to 1800 service lines.

Army Safety hotline
9723 3891

Navy Safety hotline
9172 3389

Air Force Safety hotline
9234 7233
Media Contacts
Duty Media Relations Officer
9228 6190
Please click here to view the full list of Media Relations Officers.
MINDEF/SAF Service Charter
We are committed to serve you through continuous improvement of our services. To facilitate interaction and strengthen our services to be more responsive, a set of service standards at the various touch points is published for your information.
Our Service Standards
At Service Counters
  • You will be served at our service counters within 15 minutes upon your arrival.
  • Your straightforward transactions will be processed within 15 minutes, 90 percent of the time.
For Phone Calls
  • Your telephone calls will be answered within 5 rings
  • Your requests and feedback (voicemail, email and fax) will be acknowledged within 1 working day.
  • You will receive a reply to all straightforward enquiries/feedback within 3 working days. If more time is required, you will receive an interim reply stating a plan of action.
  • Your transactions received via our e-Service applications will be acknowledged within 1 working day.
  • Your application will be assessed within 3 calendar weeks. If more time is required, you will receive an interim reply stating a plan of action.
  • Your Enlistment Notice will be sent out at least 2 months before your Date of Enlistment.
  • You will be given at least 6 months of advance notice for high key training (>7 days and above) , 3 months of advance notice for low key training (< 7 days) and 1 month of advance notice for activities up to 1 day.
  • You will receive your Service Pay and Make-Up Pay within 10 working days from the start of training, or 14 working days upon receipt of the Make-Up Pay claim and supporting documents, whichever is later.
  • If you are going on overseas training, you will receive your service pay 2-3 days prior to departure.
  • You will receive your IPPT and Marksmanship awards within 14 days from the date of the event.
Our Commitment to Service Excellence - "We Care"
I go the extra mile for people impacted by my work, to meet intended outcomes.
I find solutions or offer alternatives to meet intended outcomes.
I work with various teams to deliver intended outcomes.
I think ahead to address the needs of people impacted by my work.
I am timely and proactive in attending to the needs of people impacted by my work, to meet intended outcomes.
I put myself in the shoes of those impacted by my work, to better understand their needs.
REACH Singapore