Battalion Tactics Course (BTC)
To train selected Army Officers in planning and executing
Battalion-level combined arms operations, with emphasis on
tactics, drills, techniques and procedures. This will provide them
with the foundation for the next stage of training and facilitate
Inter-Service (Air Force and Army) integration.
The BTC is conducted twice a year. The lessons, which includes Map
Planning Tutorials and Exercises, and Two-Sided Wargaming
Exercises, are designed to teach Officers to be effective
Battalion Staff.
On top of operational military knowledge, lessons and seminars
would also be conducted to engage Officers’ thinking on Fighting
Smart and Control of Operations. The curriculum develop and hone
tactics, techniques and procedures at the Battalion level.
Company Tactics Course (CTC)
To train Army Officers in the planning and executing of
Company-level operations within a combined arms setting with
emphasis on tactics, drills, techniques and procedures, to provide
them with the foundation for the next stage of training.
The CTC is conducted four times a year. It provides Officers with
foundational operational military knowledge via Forums and group
Discussion activities. Officers will practice their learnt
knowledge through Map Planning Tutorials and two-sided Wargaming
Exercises, as well as Tests and Assignments.
Upon passing the CTC, Officers would then proceed to their
respective Advanced Courses to further their knowledge and skills
in their respective military domains.
Advanced Infantry Officers’ Course (AIOC)
To train selected Infantry, Guards and Commando Officers in
tactics of other specialised Company-level operations in order to
qualify them to assume the appointment of an Infantry Company
The AIOC is conducted four times a year, and immediately follows
the CTC to provide in-depth training for Infantry, Guards and
Commando Officers.
The course comprises a Company Systems Live Firing Exercise, where
Officers would be exposed to the various Company weapons and
tactics in the field, as well as the safety considerations in
conducting Live Firing Exercises. The course also comprises a
Troop Leading Exercise to train Officers to command troops at the
Company level to achieve the mission objective.
Company Command Course (CCC)
CCC aims to train Captain-Grade Army Officers to be effective
Company Commander, who are able to (1) lead and develop his
Company and command team; (2) supervise the various functional
areas in Company administration and management; and (3) design,
plan and conduct Company training activities in a safe and
realistic manner.
The course is primarily comprised of seminars to inform
prospective Company Commander on the fundamental topics and
knowledge on Company command, management and administration, so as
to prepare them for their respective Units’ operating procedures
and on-the-job training, and the eventual assumption of command as
the Company Commander of their respective Companies.
Special focus is placed on the Command Effectiveness Programme,
where Officers would reflect on their values and principles, and
eventually develop their Command Philosophy and Command Action
Plan. They would also be trained to coach their command team, to
manage soldiers, and to develop a lesson plan for training