Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute


The Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute (SWI) is the home of the WOSpecs Corps, encapsulating their core values, image, cultural heritage and pride. It consists of three Specialist Cadet Schools (SCSs), the Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School (SWAS) and the SAF Warrant Officer School (SAFWOS) Leadership School. SWI was established to serve two objectives:

1. To foster a greater sense of belonging and pride amongst members of the Warrant Officer and Specialist (WOSpec) Corps;

2. To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of training within the WOSpec Corps.

Mission and Vision

The mission of SWI is to develop effective, dynamic and committed Warrant Officers and Specialists with a proud identity anchored on shared values and purpose. SWI’s vision is to be “Home of the Warrant Officers and Specialists. A Premier Institute Recognised World-Wide”. This vision articulates the role of SWI as a spiritual guardian of the values and heritage of the WOSpec Corps. It also expresses the aspirations of SWI to be globally recognised for the quality of its trainers, its excellent curricula, and the conduciveness of its learning environment.

History Of SWI

The institute was officially inaugurated on 17 Sep 2004, with the swearing in of COL Kuek Joo Leng as its first Commander. The institute then consisted of three schools: The School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC), the School of Infantry Weapons (SIW) and the SAF Warrant Officer School (SAFWOS). SISPEC then shifted from Pulau Tekong to Pasir Laba Camp where SIW and SAFWOS were residing, the physical proximity strengthening the spiritual link between the schools.

On 13 Apr 2010, SWI was reorganised into the Specialist Cadet School (SCS), the Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School (SWAS) and SAF Warrant Officer School (SAFWOS). The reorganisation of SWI reflected a shift from a specialist school with a heavy emphasis on infantry training to a premier military leadership institute that develops leaders. This shift in emphasis towards leadership development was reinforced with the transfer of SWI from 9th Singapore Division to SAFTI Military Institute (SAFTI MI) on 25 Feb 2014.

In 2018, SAFWOS was renamed to SAFWOS Leadership School as part of the effort to embrace the participation of Military Experts in SAFWOS’s joint courses. As the SAF undergoes a constant process of transformation, SWI will continue to oversee the development of the WOSpec Corps in line with their evolving roles and responsibilities.

SWI Sculpture
Comd SWI COL Alan Poh

Commander SWI

COL Du Zixian Ivan assumed command of Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute on 14 Jun 2024. He was enlisted into the Singapore Armed Forces in Jan 2000 and is a Guards Officer by vocation. He has served in 1st Army Deployment Force and SAF Military Intelligence Institute. He is the top army graduate of the 46th Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College Course, graduate of the Swedish UN Staff Officer Course and Malaysian Armed Forces Staff and Tactics Course.

MWO SWI Albert Tan

Chief Master Trainer SWI

SWO Tan Yong Koon Albert assumed the appointment of Chief Master Trainer, Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute on 11 Feb 2022. He was enlisted into the Singapore Armed Forces in 1997 and is an Infantry Warrant Officer by vocation. He has served in 3rd Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment, 2nd Singapore Infantry Brigade and Specialist Cadet School. He is a graduate of the Joint Senior Leadership Course and New Zealand Joint Warrant Officer Advanced Course.



The Specialist Cadet School (SCS) is a junior leadership school where selected soldiers from all Arms who possess leadership potential begin their training to be leaders and warriors. It comprises three schools, namely SCS I, SCS II and SCS III. At SCS, there is a strong focus on imparting essential soldiering skills, as well as character and leadership development.

To achieve these goals, SCS training is planned and conducted by Command Teams made up of trainers who reside in the respective companies, as well as Subject Matter Experts who are part of SWI Headquarters.

There are three Specialist Cadet Schools; namely SCS I, SCS II and SCS III.

History Of SCS

On 1 Jun 1969, the School of Section Leaders (SSL) was established to train section leaders. It was renamed as the School of Infantry Section Leaders (SISL) on 1 Oct 1970.

12 years later, SISL was again renamed as the SAF Infantry Non-Commissioned Officers School (SAFINCOS) on 1 May 1982. This coincided with the expansion of the school’s role in conducting both Basic Infantry Section Leader Courses and advanced courses such as the Platoon Sergeant course, Infantry Senior NCO course and the Reserve Infantry Senior NCO course.

On 1 Jul 1992, SAFINCOS was renamed as the School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC). SISPEC moved from Pasir Laba Camp (PLC) to Pulau Tekong in 1999, only to move back to PLC in 2006. The impetus for the move was to strengthen the bonds between Specialists and Warrant Officers. In 2010, with the inauguration of SWI, SISPEC was officially renamed as the Specialist Cadet School (SCS).

SCS I LTC Adrian Low

Commanding Officer SCS I

LTC Adrian Low Jun Ming assumed command of Specialist Cadet School I on 9 Jan 2023. He was enlisted into the Singapore Armed Forces in 2000 and is a Guards Officer by vocation. He has served in 1st Battalion Singapore Guards, Army Deployment Force, Headquarters Guards, G6-Army, 63rd Singapore Infantry Brigade and Officer Cadet School. He is a graduate of the United States Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare Indoctrination / Expeditionary Warfare Staff Planning Course, and Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College. He also participated in Operation Blue Ridge in 2011, as part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.


Commanding Officer SCS II

MAJ Francis Joseph Keith Prabagar assumed command of Specialist Cadet School II on 14 June 2024. He enlisted into the SAF in 2005 and is an Infantry Officer by vocation. He has served in 3rd Singapore Infantry Brigade, Officer Cadet School, Basic Military Training Center, 1st and 3rd Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiments, G2-Army, Infantry and Motorised Training Institutes as well as HQ 9 Division / Infantry. He was the Distinguished Graduate for Advanced Infantry Officer Course in 2013 and the Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College Course in 2020.

SCS III MAJ Benson Zhao

Commanding Officer SCS III

LTC Edward Khoo Chun Kiat assumed command of Specialist Cadet School III on 15 September 2023. He enlisted into the Singapore Armed Forces in 2005 and is an Infantry Officer by vocation. He has served in 4th Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment, G2-Army, and 2nd Singapore Infantry Brigade. He was the Distinguished Honour Graduate for Basic Intelligence Officer Course in 2015 and Distinguished Honour Graduate in Goh Keng Swee Command Staff College in 2019.

Specialist Cadet Course

The 22-week Specialist Cadet Course is attended by selected enlistees who train to become section leaders in the SAF.



The Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School (SWAS), formerly known as the Advanced Specialist Training Wing (ASTW), is a senior leadership school which aims to continue developing the leadership and warfighting abilities of WOSpecs as they progress to more senior roles in the SAF.

SWAS conducts functional courses such as the Basic Warfighter-Platoon Sergeant (BWF-PS) and Warfighter-Company Sergeant Major (WF-CSM) courses. These courses are conducted in two main phases: the Common Phase and the Operations Phase.


History Of SWAS

The former ASTW was located within the compounds of Pasir Laba Camp as a unit under SISPEC. With the implementation of the Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute transformation plan in Apr 2010, ASTW was renamed as SWAS and regarded as a separate entity under the SWI umbrella.

As part of the SAF’s efforts to raise the profile of the Warrant Officer Corps, SWO Lee Sung Cheng was appointed as Commanding Officer (CO) of SWAS, taking over from LTC Yeo Hock Seng. SWO Lee was the first Warrant Officer to hold a CO appointment in the Warrant Officer Corps.

In late 2013, SWAS moved to their own facilities in Pasir Laba Camp. This further strengthened the school’s identity and image as a leading learning institution for the Warrant Officers and Specialists in the Army.

CO SWAS SWO Maheswaran

Commanding Officer SWAS

CWO Lim Wee Beng assumed command of Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School on 23 Nov 2023. He was enlisted into the Singapore Armed Forces in 1996 and is a Commando Leader by vocation. He has served in 1st Commando Battalion, Special Operations Tactical Centre, Control Personnel Centre, Commando Training Institute, SAFWOS Leadership School, and the 2nd People's Defence Force Command. He is a graduate of the prestigious SAF Ranger Course, Joint Warrant Officer Course, Joint Advanced Leadership Course, Joint Senior Leadership Course, Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College (Elective), and Training Commander Course. He also participated in Operation Flying Eagle in 2005.

Basic Warfighter-Platoon Sergeant (BWF-PS) Course

The 13-week Basic Warfighter-Platoon Sergeant Course is attended by Specialists, including Army Regulars, NSFs and NSmen, who will subsequently take on the role of Platoon Sergeants in Army units.

Warfighter-Company Sergeant Major (WF-CSM) Course

The 9-week Warfighter-Company Sergeant Major Course is attended by WOSpecs, including Army Regulars, NSFs and NSmen, who will take on the role of Company Sergeant Majors working in partnership with their Company Commanders in Army units.


SAFWOS Leadership School Logo

SAFWOS Leadership School welcomes leaders who are at various stages of their military service. The school provides a stimulating and challenging learning environment and seeks to promote holistic learning. It employs adult and organisational learning approaches to help leaders develop cognitive abilities while also deepening and professionalising their military knowledge. Character building and leadership development are also infused into the curricula so as to instil a deep sense of values, identity and purpose in leaders as SAF Warrant Officers and Military Experts.

History Of SAFWOS Leadership School

The SAF Warrant Officer School (SAFWOS) was established on 15 Jan 1992 at the former Officer Cadet School building in Pasir Laba Camp. At that point in time, SAFWOS was conducting the Army Warrant Officer Course (AWOC) and Joint Warrant Officer Course (JWOC) for the three Services to prepare potential Warrant Officers to assume heavier responsibilities.

In Jul 1998, SAFWOS shifted to its own premises in Pasir Laba Camp. With the introduction of the WOSpec Military Education and Training Roadmap in Apr 2000, the curriculum of SAFWOS was expanded to include additional courses, such as the Army Battalion Regimental Sergeant-Major Course, the Advanced Leadership Programme and the Senior Leadership Programme to develop the leaders at critical milestones throughout their career.

Joint Leadership Course Graduation Ceremony

In 2004, SAFWOS was grouped with the School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC) and the School of Infantry Weapons (SIW) to form the Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute (SWI).

In 2010, with the restructuring of SWI into five leadership schools for the SAF Warrant Officers and Specialists, SAFWOS was positioned as the most senior school in the institute, providing professional military education and training to Warrant Officers. In 2016, a Warrant Officer was appointed to assume command of SAFWOS as its Commanding Officer. In 2018, SAFWOS was renamed to SAFWOS Leadership School as part of the effort to embrace the participation of Military Experts in SAFWOS’s joint courses.

Currently, SAFWOS Leadership School conducts the Regimental Sergeant-Major (RSM) Course and the various Joint Courses for Warrant Officers and Military Experts across the SAF Services, to develop their military leadership and deepen their professional military knowledge.


Commanding Officer SAFWOS Leadership School

CWO Saravanan S/O Shatiannathan assumed command of SAFWOS Leadership School on 01 Mar 2022. He was enlisted into the Singapore Armed Forces in 1991 and is a Guardsman by vocation. He has served in 3rd Battalion Singapore Guards, Specialist Cadet School, Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School, SAFWOS Leadership School and Headquarters Guards. He is a graduate of the Joint Senior Leadership Course and Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College.

Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) Course

The 5-week Regimental Sergeant Major Course is attended by WOSpecs and Military Experts who will subsequently assume the appointment of Regimental Sergeant Majors of their respective units.

Joint Leadership Course (JLC)

The 15-week Joint Leadership Course is attended by Warrant Officers and Military Experts to develop their leadership capabilities, to be competent, direct-level leaders, staff and trainers in their respective field of specialisation.

Joint Advanced Leadership Course (JALC)

The 2.5-week Joint Advanced Leadership Course is attended by Warrant Officers and Military Experts to deepen their leadership competencies to assume senior appointments in the SAF. This course also includes an open phase which is attended by leaders from other ministries and partner countries.

Joint Senior Leadership Course (JSLC)

The 5-week Joint Senior Leadership Course is attended by Warrant Officers and Military Experts, to sharpen their leadership and administrative competencies to assume pinnacle appointments in the SAF.

Contact Us

Specialist and Warrant Officer Institute

276, Pasir Laba Road, #02-19,
Singapore 637772

Tel: 6410-5597
Fax: 6410-5660
