The External Review Panel on SAF Safety (ERPSS) was incepted in 2013, and the role of the panel is to review the SAF’s safety management systems and suggest best practices from the private and public sectors that will help improve safety in the SAF.
The fourth ERPSS was inaugurated on 17
May 2024 and will serve a three-year tenure. The fourth ERPSS
comprises 12 professionals from a variety of backgrounds and
experiences to capture a broad spectrum of views and perspectives.
The members
Mr Yam Ah Mee [Chairman]*
Mr Silas Sng Wee Kiat*
Dr Olivier Lo*
Dr Mark Leong Kwok Fai*
Ms Kala Anandarajah*
A/Prof Chui Yoon Ping*
Mr Goh Kee Nguan*
Mr Shahrin Abdol Salam
Mr Dave Ng Wee Peng
Mr Zee Yoong Kang
Mr Michael Phoon
Mr Adrian Lee Chiew Chuan
* Members from the Third ERPSS