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Fact Sheet: External Review Panel on Heat Injury Management

The External Review Panel on Heat Injury Management (ERPHIM) was convened in May 2018 to review the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF)'s policies and measures for the management of heat injuries. The Panel is headed by Associate Professor Mark Leong Kwok Fai, Senior Consultant in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Singapore General Hospital.  He is supported by four experts who specialise in relevant fields of medicine and research. 

The Panel has been briefed on the SAF's heat injury policies and procedures by the Army Safety Inspectorate, Centre of Excellence for Soldier Performance and Headquarters Medical Corps.  They have also visited Bedok Camp to review ground-level implementation of the heat injury protocols. This visit included a brief by Headquarters Guards and a demonstration of how heatstroke cases are treated at the medical centre. 

The Panel has provided feedback that the SAF's heat injury policies and measures are essentially sound and aligned with prevalent industry and foreign military practices. The Panel has surfaced areas where improvements could be made to strengthen the SAF's heat injury policies and protocols. Two key focus areas for improvements are in the prevention and response to heat injuries.

The 5-member panel comprises of the following:

S/N Name Appointment
1 Associate Professor Mark Leong Kwok Fai 
[Chairman ERPHIM]
Senior Consultant, Department of Emergency Medicine, Singapore General Hospital
2 Associate Professor Marcus Ong Eng Hock Clinic Scientist and Director of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine, Singapore General Hospital
3 Dr Kelvin Chew Tai Loon Director and Senior Consultant, Changi Sports Medicine Centre, Changi General Hospital
4 Dr Teoh Chin Sim Director and Senior Consultant, Sports Medicine Centre, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
5 Associate Professor Jason Lee Kai Wei Director, Human Performance Laboratory,  Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, DSO National Laboratories


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