Members of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs (GPC-DFA) and its Resource Panel visited the Naval Diving Unit (NDU) this morning. The visit was hosted by Senior Minister of State for Defence, Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman and Head of Naval Operations Department Rear-Admiral (RADM) Timothy Lo.
During the visit, members were given an overview of the NDU's capabilities and witnessed first-hand, how the NDU is a professional special operations force, always ready to deploy to safeguard the sovereignty of Singapore and defend the sea lines of communication of our maritime nation. The members were also briefed on the rigorous selection process and training roadmap of the divers, the NDU's operational deployment, and the specialised medical support for the divers. They also toured the Naval Hyperbaric Centre (NHC), a comprehensive on-site hyperbaric medicine support available to the NDU divers for the treatment of all diving injuries. The GPC-DFA members also observed the drown-proofing and underwater clearance competencies of the divers during the pool and range displays.
Sharing his thoughts at the end of the visit, Chairman, GPC-DFA, Mr Vikram Nair, commended NDU's robust training programme and how the displays were testament to the divers' training in tough and realistic environment to hone their specialised skills. He said, "Following 'Ah Boys to Men 3: Frogmen', the NDU has become a part of our popular culture. It was interesting to see how rigorous the actual selection process and training are for this elite unit. I understand that each year, about 5 percent of enlistees are selected for the NDU. Of those enlistees, less than 20 percent actually become qualified divers. The NDU is a good example of how the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) trains an elite fighting force in a challenging and realistic environment. Units like these give Singaporeans every reason to be confident that we have an operationally ready armed forces capable of defending Singapore."