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Fact Sheet: National Service Housing, Medical and Education Awards

To better recognise National Servicemen, the National Service Recognition Award (NSRA) has been revamped into the National Service HOusing, Medical and Education (NS HOME) Awards.

The NS HOME Awards aim to strengthen our National Servicemen's stake in the country and support their housing, healthcare and education needs. The NS HOME Awards scheme is tied to the milestones that our National Servicemen achieve.

Like the NSRA, the NS HOME Awards continue to recognise National Servicemen at each of their three significant milestones during their NS journey: (i) the completion of full-time NS; (ii) the midpoint of the Operationally Ready NS (ORNS) training cycle; and (iii) the completion of the ORNS training cycle. Commanders* will continue to receive $500 more at each milestone to recognise the heavier responsibilities they shoulder.

Key Features

Key features of the NS HOME Awards are:

i. The first milestone award of $3,000 will be deposited into the Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) to meet full-time National Servicemen's (NSFs) aspirations to further their studies after they complete their full-time NS. The PSEA can be used for education in approved local institutions. This is similar to the NSRA.

ii. The second and third milestone awards of $3,000 each will now be disbursed into the National Servicemen's Central Provident Fund (CPF) Ordinary Account (OA) to provide them with more flexibility to use the money for housing and other purposes. Under the NSRA, the second and third milestone awards of $3,000 each were deposited into the servicemen's CPF accounts and distributed to the Ordinary, Medisave and Special Accounts in the same proportions at prevailing CPF contribution rates.

iii. National Servicemen will now receive an additional $2,000 in Medisave grants to help meet their healthcare needs at each of their NS milestones. These grants will be disbursed into their CPF-Medisave Account (MA). NSmen will receive $6,000 if they achieve three milestones.

Eligibility Criteria

The NS HOME Awards seek to recognise Singapore Citizens who serve NS.


Those who enlist on or after 1 Dec 2011 and complete their full-time NS on or after 1 Dec 2013 will be eligible for the NS HOME Awards.

The additional Medisave grant that is part of the 1st milestone of the NS HOME Awards will be disbursed into the CPF accounts of eligible NSFs from Sep 2014 onwards.

Operationally Ready
National Servicemen

Those who reach the mid-point of their ORNS training cycle or complete their ORNS training cycle after 1 Apr 2014 will be eligible for the NS HOME Awards.

The NS HOME Awards will be disbursed into the CPF accounts of eligible NSmen from Sep 2014 onwards.


New NS HOME Awards
Milestone (1) Completion of full-time NS (2) Mid-point of ORNS Training Cycle (3) Completion of ORNS Training Cycle Total Quantum
Eligibility Criteria of Milestone Completion of full-time NS Completion of 3 High-key (HK) In-Camp Trainings (ICTs) or Completion of 5 ORNS years of which 2 are HK Completion of ORNS training cycle or Completion of 10 ORNS years of which 7 are HK  
Mode of Disbursement $3,000* into PSEA $3,000* into CPF-OA $3,000* into CPF-OA $9,000
$2,000 into CPF-MA $2,000 into CPF-MA $2,000 into CPF-MA $6,000
Total per milestone $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $15,000

*Commanders receive $500 more at each milestone and will receive a total of $16,500 if they meet all three milestones.

Contact Information

For more information regarding the NS HOME Awards, please call the NS Call Centre at 1800-3676767 or email contact@ns.sg.

*Commanders: National Servicemen with ranks of Third Sergeant and above for SAF servicemen and Sergeant and above for Home Team servicemen.

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