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Response in The Straits Times/Zaobao Forum on "serviceman's domestic helper carrying his field pack"

MINDEF statement on serviceman's domestic helper carrying his field pack

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has completed its investigation into the recent case of a serviceman who was photographed with his domestic helper carrying his field pack.

The serviceman concerned has identified himself to his Commander. He was a recruit undergoing the Physical Training Preparatory phase prior to the Basic Military Training phase. The recruit is remorseful for his actions and realises that it was wrong for him to have allowed this. He has been counselled and continues his training. The SAF has reminded all servicemen to be mindful of their conduct in public.

Colonel Desmond Tan
Director, Public Affairs
Ministry of Defence


MINDEF’s reply was published as “Remorseful soldier counselled: Mindef”, The Straits Times, 5 Apr 2011; and as “国民服役人员须注意形象”, Zaobao, 5 Apr 2011

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