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Fact Sheet - Basic Military Training Centre (BMTC) School V


Basic Military Training (BMT) is a formative experience and a rite of passage for all full-time National Servicemen (NSFs). Beyond being taught soldiering skills, BMT is a period for new recruits to be inducted into the military way of life and culture. It builds NSFs' resilience and commitment to defence. 

In line with the Singapore Armed Forces' (SAF) efforts to continually improve the National Service (NS) experience, BMTC School V was established in October 2018 as a dedicated training school to provide a centralised and common BMT for service-fit recruits. The School aims to improve the training effectiveness for service-fit recruits by enabling them to participate in more training activities and take away with them shared defining experiences in their NS journey, to transform the recruits into confident, committed and competent soldiers.

Strengthening the NS Experience

Common BMT Experience. Prior to the establishment of BMTC School V, PES C and E recruits underwent a four-week basic soldiering phase and a two-week military assimilation programme respectively, followed by vocational training and active service in their units. Today, BMTC School V's centralised training structure allows the SAF to strengthen its first touch point with recruits and their families. Recruits undergo a common nine-week BMT, comprising a four-week basic soldiering phase followed by a five-week vocation specialisation phase. The revised training curriculum provides recruits with shared defining moments such as the Weapon Presentation Ceremony and combined graduation parade.

Holistic BMT Curriculum. Through a holistic BMT curriculum, BMTC School V aims to mould recruits into well-adjusted and committed soldiers who are better prepared for their next phase of training. Ability Group Training (AGT) is implemented to increase training opportunities, by grouping them into ability groups based on their PES status to determine the safe and optimal level of participation in physical activities and basic soldiering training. The enhanced training curriculum also allows recruits to participate in more training activities, such as the Service-Fit Fitness Programme for PES C recruits, and Individual Field Craft and Individual Marksmanship Trainer training for PES E recruits. Recruits are also taught basic medical skills such as basic first aid and CPR. 

Vocational Specialisation. After the four-week basic soldiering phase, recruits are assigned their vocations and sent to the respective vocational training centres, such as the SAF Medical Training Institute for service medics, Signal Institute for signal operators and Supply and Transport School for service transport operators. Recruits who are assigned roles as Admin Support Assistants (ASA) or Supply Assistants (SA) will remain in BMTC School V for their vocational training. The scope of vocational training for the ASA has now been expanded to include specialised modules in human resource, finance, and training coordination. Recruits who undergo SA training will be additionally trained in facilities management within SAF camps. This allows recruits to take on a wider spectrum of responsibilities upon completion of their vocational training. 

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