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Fact Sheet: Enhancements to the Cyber Defence Test and Evaluation Centre


The Cyber Defence Test and Evaluation Centre (CyTEC) was established in 2015 to provide the SAF with the cyber range capability to conduct advanced training and exercises for its cyber defenders. CyTEC provides a virtual sandbox environment that simulates a spectrum of cyber threat scenarios of varying intensity and complexity to test cyber defenders’ skills and responses. The hands-on training at CyTEC equips cyber defenders with practical experience in preparation for real-life cyber threats.

The SAF has progressively enhanced the facilities at CyTEC to keep up with the latest cyber developments and cyber-attack techniques so as to ensure that cyber defence units are equipped with relevant and effective cyber competencies to tackle a wide range of cyber threats.

Key Enhancements to CyTEC

In recent years, CyTEC was enhanced to incorporate simulations of cyber-attacks on Operational Technology (OT)[1] systems to allow cyber defenders to build up capability to defend OT networks. The enhancement enables cyber defenders to train in and gain deeper understanding of OT protocols to better monitor, investigate and respond to cyber-attack incidents. The interconnectedness of today’s systems mean that a compromise of any Information Technology (IT)[2] or OT system could potentially allow cyber attackers access to compromise the rest of the SAF’s network.

Apart from having a variety of virtualised OT systems, CyTEC collaborated with Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) to enable real-time remote connection and control of the physical water and power testbeds, co-developed by MINDEF/SAF and SUTD’s iTrust[3], for enhanced training realism.

Training at CyTEC extends beyond the SAF. In preparation for the inaugural Critical Infrastructure Defence Exercise (CIDeX) 2022, a national cyber defence exercise, CyTEC hosted participants from national agencies for a three-day hands-on training programme to develop and hone their cyber defence competencies.




[1] OT refers to hardware and software that monitor and control devices, processes and infrastructure. These include Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, safety instrumented systems, and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs).

[2] IT focuses on the systems that store and transmit digital information.

[3] iTrust is a multidisciplinary research centre located within SUTD that houses physical testbeds for research and training purposes.

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