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Fact Sheet: Bionix Training for NSmen

Background on Bionix Training for NSmen 

In the National Service 10-year training cycle, the Armour National Service Training System (NSTS) focuses on maintaining operational readiness and sharpening operational proficiencies of our Operationally Ready National Servicemen (NSmen).  

During the first to fifth In-Camp Training (ICT), the focus is on maintaining operational readiness of our NSmen. During each ICT, the Bionix crew undergo a one-day simulator training at the Armour Gunnery and Manoeuvre Simulator (AGMS) to enhance crew proficiencies and progressively prepare them for field training and exercises from their fourth ICT onwards.

From the fifth to seventh ICT, training is geared towards sharpening their operational proficiencies and culminates in their evaluation exercise during their seventh ICT. For example, Bionix operators (drivers) and vehicle commanders undergo currency driving in the Bionix in both day and night conditions in our local training area whenever there is a need for outfield driving, and our Armoured Infantry troops continue to train in the execution of tactical drills. 

During the eighth to tenth ICT, our NSmen continue to maintain their operational proficiencies and perform operational duties. 

Quotes from NSmen on Bionix Training



CPL(NS) Ng Yong, Paul (32 years old)

NS Appointment: Bionix Operator (driver)

Last ICT: Nov 2018



"As Bionix operators, we have to be alert about not only our own safety but of others as well. For example, we undergo a mandatory Bionix driving refresher package in both day and night conditions during ICT.

Having trained with the Bionix for nine years since I was an NSF, I am confident to execute what is required of me as a Bionix operator. Our training during ICT also ensures that we are well aware of what to do in various situations and to abide by the safety measures."

3SG(NS) Yap Chuen Hwee (29 years old)

NS Appointment: Section Commander

Last ICT: Nov 2018



"We undergo refresher and currency training during every ICT on overall safety aspects as well as specific training on relevant tasks which we will execute. This includes performing the pre-ops drill (overturn drill and emergency stop) with my section prior to any training involving the Bionix. Although we have done this drill many times, I find it useful as it keeps us alert of any possible risks we might encounter during training. As a section commander, I am also required to pass a Training Safety Regulations test during every ICT, which ensures that I’m conversant with the relevant safety protocols. 

As a section commander, I was also trained to activate the newly added emergency-horn (e-horn) buttons in the rear cabin, to alert of any impending hazards or obstacles. I felt that the existing safety protocols for the Bionix are sufficient, but the additional e-horn buttons were a good enhancement to crew’s safety.

Yes I feel confident in fulfilling my role as we’ve been doing this since our active days. In ICT, we also take ownership in taking care of ourselves and our buddies and we will certainly voice out against activities that seem unsafe."

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