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NRICs of NSFs and Regulars

Since the introduction of National Service (NS) in 1967, full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) and Regulars have been required to exchange their civilian National Registration Identity Cards (NRICs) for Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) military Identity Cards (ICs). As a new and independent nation without strong military traditions, SAF soldiers carried the military IC instead of a civilian one to remind them of their roles and responsibilities to defend Singapore.

Over the past 55 years, more than one million Singaporean males have served their NS dutifully. Singaporeans have accepted NS as a necessary commitment by enlistees to build a strong national defence through the SAF. We have succeeded in building a military ethos that has been sustained across a few generations.

The Ministry of Defence has therefore decided that NSFs and Regulars no longer need to surrender their NRICs when enlisting. Military ICs will still be issued to all SAF soldiers.


Annex A


Q1. When will SAF personnel cease the practice of surrendering their NRICs?

From 15 May 2022 onwards, the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) will cease the requirement for full-time national servicemen (NSFs) and Regulars in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) to surrender their National Registration Identity Cards (NRICs) for safekeeping for the duration of their service. MINDEF will return the NRICs of serving NSFs and Regulars in phases.

Q2. When will NRICs be returned to serving NSFs and Regulars?

NRICs will be returned to all serving NSFs and Regulars in phases through their Unit Manpower Officers. The return of the NRICs will be completed by Nov 2022.

Q3. Will NSFs and Regulars hold both their NRICs and their military Identity Cards (ICs)?

The military IC will still be issued to all SAF NSFs and Regulars as it continues to serve as the primary document to identify themselves as SAF service personnel. SAF personnel will hold both their NRICs and their military ICs going forward.

Q4. Will the Ministry of Home Affairs be affected by the policy change?

The Ministry of Home Affairs will also cease the requirement for Home Team NSFs to surrender their physical NRICs for safekeeping, starting from the batch of NSFs enlisting in May 2022. The NRICs of serving Home Team NSFs will be returned in phases. The Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will continue to issue the NS Identity Card to their NSFs, as it remains the primary document for identifying SPF and SCDF national servicemen.

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