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Reply to Queries on NS Defaulter Lee Han Wen Jonathan

The Ministry of Defence takes a firm stand against those who commit offences under the Enlistment Act.

Lee Han Wen Jonathan was charged for: (i) remaining outside of Singapore without a valid Exit Permit; and (ii) failing to report for enlistment. Despite being aware of his National Service (NS) obligations, Lee wilfully remained overseas to pursue his university studies. He first returned to Singapore in Jan 2017 to renew his Singapore passport so that he could use it to travel, and he defaulted again to continue his university studies after his Singapore passport was renewed. He only returned to serve NS in Sep 2018 after he completed his university studies. In doing so, he had gained an unfair advantage vis-à-vis his peers who served dutifully when called upon to do so.

For evading his NS obligations for a period of 4 years 9 months, Lee was sentenced to nine weeks’ imprisonment today.

Since the High Court set out the sentencing framework for NS defaulters in 2017, 13 defaulters, including Lee, have been sentenced to imprisonment.

All male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) have a duty to serve NS and it is important that NS has the support and commitment of all Singaporeans. To achieve this, we have to adhere to the fundamental principles of universality and equity in NS. If we allow Singapore Citizens or PRs who are overseas to evade NS or to choose when they want to serve NS, we are not being fair to the vast majority of our national servicemen who serve their country dutifully, and the institution of NS will be undermined.

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