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Fact Sheet: Singapore’s Initiatives for Multilateral Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defence Cooperation

Network of ASEAN Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Defence Experts

Background and Objectives

The Network of ASEAN Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Defence Experts is an ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) initiative that was approved by the 2018 ADMM during Singapore’s ASEAN Chairmanship. The Network was launched in November 2019 to strengthen regional counter-terrorism preparedness and cooperation against CBR threats.

When the Network first started, it had set out to build a Directory of CBR defence experts and managed to reach out to 35 experts from seven ASEAN Member States (AMS) in 2020. As of 2025, the Network has 51 nominated experts across the three CBR domains, from all 10 AMS. The CBR defence experts share information among themselves via a secure Web Portal, which has been enhanced over the years.

The objectives of the Network are as follows:

a. To reaffirm the region’s commitment to address the ongoing concerns regarding the misuse of CBR materials by developing a state of readiness to provide timely, adequate and effective assistance as part of an integrated response when a CBR incident occurs.

b. To serve as a regional confidence building mechanism, and promote multilateral cooperation and coordination among ASEAN policymakers and CBR defence experts against potential CBR threats for the benefit of the region’s collective peace and security.

c. To function as a single node for regional CBR defence experts to make contact, and share information, best practices, expertise and experiences on common CBR threats and hazards.

d. To encourage regional CBR defence experts to deepen professional links within AMS, and to advance their knowledge and techniques for responding to CBR attacks.

e. To enhance regional safety, security, and safeguards, based on implementation of relevant commitments to the international standards and guidelines, and other relevant international instruments, through close cooperation with existing mechanisms at the regional framework.

Key Events and Activities

The Network’s activities include workshops covering different aspects of the CBR domains, in collaboration with multiple International Organisations such as the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and European Union CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence.

From 2019 to 2024, the Network has conducted a total of 11 Technical Workshops, 6 Annual Meetings, 4 Table-Top Exercises, and 1 ADMM-Plus Conference, as well as launched its first version of Harmonised Guidelines for CBR Sampling and Analytical Reporting. These Guidelines will serve as a common methodology for cross-border risk assessment of CBR incidents, improving the overall regional CBR response capacity. 2024 also marked the first Annual Meeting which was held outside of Singapore and co-organised with another AMS, Laos, who was ADMM Chair that year.

Regional CBR Centre (RCC)

Setting up the physical Regional CBR Centre (RCC) will build on the Network’s success and have dedicated manpower to further expand into different aspects of CBR defence, as well as explore partnerships beyond just the ASEAN region. Aside from militaries, the RCC will also work with civilian agencies across ASEAN, leveraging experts beyond those in the defence sectoral. It will also expand existing collaborations with International Organisations and work with international partners beyond ASEAN who share a mutual interest to strengthen the region’s capacity to deal with CBR threats. The RCC will have a training centre to provide specialised CBR field detection and sampling training for AMS, as well as a one-stop CBR information-sharing portal to facilitate information exchange amongst AMS and international partners through workshops, seminars, and conferences among others. The Network will continue its work to complement the physical RCC’s efforts.

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