The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN)'s Formidable-class frigate RSS Tenacious is participating in the 11th edition of MILAN, a multilateral naval exercise hosted by the Indian Navy. Ships, aircraft and participants from more than 40 countries are taking part in the exercise held from 25 February to 4 March 2022 in Visakhapatnam, India and the Bay of Bengal. Held biennially, Singapore has participated in every edition of the multilateral exercise since its inception in 1995.
Themed "Camaraderie – Cohesion – Collaboration", MILAN 2022 comprises professional exchanges ashore and naval exercises at sea. During the harbour phase, Deputy Fleet Commander, Colonel Ng Xun Xi, spoke at the International Maritime Seminar – a platform to exchange ideas on common maritime priorities and challenges faced by navies. In his speech, he highlighted the importance of collaboration in tackling transboundary threats. "These threats have the ability to disrupt the global economy. They are transboundary in nature and can take place across a vast expanse in the maritime area of operations, it is usually challenging for one nation to be able to deal with them alone, and therefore necessitates countries to work together to tackle these threats." He added, "Beyond the tangible benefit of tackling transboundary threats, collaboration also allows for closer cooperation at sea, building confidence amongst partners in the process."
During the sea phase, RSS Tenacious participated in drills across the surface, sub-surface and air domains, including air defence exercise, gunnery firings and helicopter cross-deck landings. MILAN 2022 will conclude with a sail-past of all the participating ships.
The RSN participants are fully vaccinated and have taken the necessary COVID-19 safety measures, including pre- and post- deployment swab tests, and adhering to a controlled itinerary when in India. The crew of RSS Tenacious also tested negative for COVID-19 prior to deployment and did not come into physical contact with participants from the other navies.