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Fact Sheet: Go Greener SAF – Towards Greater Environmental Sustainability


In line with the Singapore Green Plan 2030 (SGP30), the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) will more than do our part. We will meet the national targets set under the SGP30, without compromising operational readiness. By 2030, MINDEF/SAF will reduce the growth of overall carbon emissions by two-thirds compared to business as usual. By 2050, we aim to halve the 2030 emissions in line with national strategy. For all three major green initiatives – carbon emissions, water, and waste – we will have key targets for the SAF to go greener. We will also implement policies and develop systems to build a more environmentally-conscious culture in MINDEF/SAF.

Reduce Carbon Emissions Growth

Reducing Emissions from Buildings and Infrastructure

We will meet the Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy standards for all new large and retrofitted buildings where feasible. We will increase our solar adoption from 20 to 50 mega-watt peak (MWp) by 2025 by extending the deployment of solar panels to suitable rooftops of camps and bases. This will generate electricity that is enough to power more than 12,500 4-room HDB households in a year. These changes are significant and will reduce our carbon emissions growth by about 40% by 2030.

Reducing Emissions from Platforms

The SAF will reduce emissions from its platforms where technology is available, cost effective, and without loss of operational effectiveness or sharp rise in spending. We will step up efforts progressively. The Army will replace its entire administrative vehicle fleet with electric vehicles by 2030, and put in place charging infrastructure in camps and bases. The RSN will adopt readily available technologies such as energy-efficient LED lights for its entire fleet. For newer ships like the Littoral Mission Vessels (LMVs), the RSN will introduce zero emissions ozone-friendly water-mist fire suppression systems and look into using advanced garbage converters that reduce the waste volume by up to 80%. For combat platforms, green fuels that meet the criteria of cost-effectiveness are not commercially available yet. Nevertheless, the RSAF will commence trials of green aviation fuel for some of its F-16 aircraft. This is to understand the engineering, logistics and infrastructure works needed to scale up its use when green fuels become more cost effective.

Reduce Water Consumption

To reduce our water usage, MINDEF/SAF will progressively replace water fittings with more-efficient ones which are at least 3-ticks under the Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme. We have also implemented rainwater harvesting systems in selected camps and will continue to invest in water-recycling systems, such as those for vehicular washing and sanitation. We aim for a 10% reduction in water consumption by 2030.

Reduce Waste

To reduce our waste generation, we will step up our "3Rs - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" efforts significantly. Segregation and recycling processes are already implemented in 14 cookhouses where the segregated food waste are collected and sent to be processed into biogas for energy generation. This will be extended to all cookhouses by 2024. MINDEF/SAF has also put in place waste disposal contracts to recycle and repurpose electronic waste, waste oil, chemicals and scrap metal. We will also increase the number of recycling bins in all camps and bases. The aim is to reduce waste by 30% by 2030.

Governance and Taking Ownership

Installing Smart Utility Metering Systems

MINDEF/SAF will install smart utility metering systems progressively for all our buildings. This will empower all units and allow them to know how much they contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and waste or water consumption, allowing unit commanders to take ownership and make the necessary changes. When the roll-out of smart metering systems is complete, unit commanders will be equipped to know how they compare with their peers and benchmarks, and to reach their required targets.

Setting up SAF Sustainability Office

To achieve these goals, we will set up a new SAF Sustainability Office to drive the planning and compliance of our sustainability efforts. It will report to the SAF's Chief of Staff-Joint Staff, who will assume the role of the SAF Chief Sustainability Officer. The office will be advised by an External Advisory Panel made up of experts in various fields.

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