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1999 to 2013 Held various appointments in consulting and technology with Arthur Andersen, IBM and NTT Group
2014 to 2018 Partner, Ernst & Young
2006 to present Member of Parliament
2018 to 2020 Minister of State for National Development and Manpower
2019 to 2020 Deputy Government Whip
2020 to present Senior Minister of State for Defence and Manpower
2020 to present Deputy Leader of the House
2018 to present Deputy Chairman of MENDAKI
2018 to present Advisor, Singapore Business Federation SME Committee
2019 to present Honorary Advisor, Singapore Malay Chambers of Commerce and Industry
2020 to present President, Singapore Armed Forces Reservist Association (SAFRA)
2020 to present Co-Chairman, Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence (ACCORD)
2022 to present Board Member, People's Association (PA)
1987 - 1990 Raffles Institution
1991 – 1992 Raffles Junior College
1995 – 1999 Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering), Nanyang Technological University / ESIEE (Paris)
2002 – 2003 Master of Science (Financial Engineering), Nanyang Technological University / Carnegie Mellon University