Notification, Activation and Acknowledgement


You will be informed of your Manning dates 6 months in advance via the eMobilisation notification system. This is to provide you with sufficient time to inform your employer and make any necessary work arrangements, should you be mobilised.

Upon receiving the Manning notification, you need to acknowledge the message through any of the following means:

Subsequently, you could also be reminded of your Manning period via the eMobilisation notification system 1 month before and on the start day of the Manning period. 



When you are activated for Mobilisation, you should acknowledge and report to your Mobilisation Centre immediately with your personal equipment, such as your helmet, Load Bearing Vest (LBV) and field pack.



Acknowledgment of your mobilisation activation will be via SMS or BIVR. Depending on your unit’s Standard Operating Procedure, the mobilisation centre’s contact number could be sent to you via SMS once you have acknowledged the mobilisation message. You should contact the mobilisation centre or your immediate commander for any clarification related to your mobilisation. 


If you have a medical status that excuses you from reporting with your personal equipment, please contact your immediate commander or mobilisation centre to verify what attire and equipment you should report in. 

Family members that are 16 years of age and above can also acknowledge any mobilisation notification sent to your residence,  i.e. SAF A/B/C/D/. Upon receipt, they should notify you immediately.


Your family can help to contact you during mobilisation and facilitate your speedy reporting. They should be kept informed of the following:

  • Your NS unit's codewords
  • Your whereabouts especially during your manning period 
  • How and where they can contact you