Duration, Renewal and ORNS Disruption

Maximum duration

An Exit Permit is normally granted annually for overseas employment, permanent residence, studies, or training. On a case-by-case basis, an Exit Permit of a maximum of 3 years may be granted for overseas employment or training. If you are studying overseas, it can be granted for the full duration of your course.



You need to renew your Exit Permit if:

  • You are not able to return to Singapore upon expiry of your Exit Permit. You may apply for an Exit Permit within 2 months of the expiry date. Please note that the new application should not overlap with the duration of an ongoing Exit Permit 
  • There is a change in the following: Your departure date, country of visit, purpose of visit, or course of study


ORNS Disruption

You will automatically be granted disruption of your Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) if you have been issued with an Exit Permit which is valid for 1 year or longer.

You may miss your In-Camp Training (ICT) while you were out of the country for 1 year or longer and hence complete your ORNS training cycle later than your cohort. Upon expiry of your disruption, you may also not be posted back to your previous unit.