
Employed NSmen

Payment timeline

You or your employer will be paid the auto-generated MUP amount and Service Pay (i.e. NS Pay) within 10 working days from the start of the ORNS activity. 

If your employer proposes adjustments or submits new MUP claims two weeks before the start of your ORNS activity and MINDEF accepts the adjustments/new claims, you or your employer will also be paid the adjusted amount within 10 working days from the start of your ORNS activity. 

Otherwise, you or your employer will first be paid the auto-generated MUP amount and Service Pay within 10 working days from the start of your ORNS activity. If MINDEF accepts your proposed adjustments, any additional payment will be paid within 14 working days upon the receipt of the proposed claims/adjustments and supporting documents. 

Payment Method

For NSmen whose employers are registered with the Direct Reimbursement to Employers of Claims for NS Training (DIRECT) scheme, you will continue to be paid per your employer’s regular pay schedule, as if you had not been away from your NS training. The amount should therefore include the full sums of your basic monthly salary and any fixed monthly allowances that you are eligible for, as well as additional payments (e.g. overtime pay) or variable payments (e.g. commissions) typically paid to you on a monthly basis. In terms of additional and/or variable payments, your company can determine the amount they would have typically paid to you, based on an average of your past variable payments received prior to your NS training. Your employer will be reimbursed by MINDEF. If you are eligible for the base NS Pay, MINDEF will credit the top-up as a result of the base NS pay directly to your bank account number provided to MINDEF. 

For NSmen whose employers are not registered with the DIRECT scheme, MINDEF will be crediting the MUP directly to your bank account number provided to MINDEF. 

It is your responsibility to ensure that your bank account details is updated via Update My Profile on the NS Portal.

Self-Employed NSmen

Payment timeline

If you have provided consent for MINDEF to draw your income tax data from IRAS, you will be paid the auto-generated MUP amount and Service Pay within 10 working days from the start of your ORNS activity. 

If you propose adjustments to the auto-generated MUP amount or submit a new MUP claim two weeks before the start of your ORNS activity and these are accepted by MINDEF, you will also be paid the adjusted amount within 10 working days from the start of your ORNS activity if they are accepted by MINDEF.

Otherwise, you will first be paid the auto-generated MUP amount within 10 working days from the start of your ORNS activity. If MINDEF accepts your proposed adjustments to the claims, any additional payments will be paid within 14 working days upon the receipt of the proposed claims/adjustments and supporting documents. 

Payment Method

The MUP will be paid directly to your bank account number provided to MINDEF. It is your responsibility to ensure that your bank account details is updated via Update My Profile on the NS Portal.