Celebratory Gifts (CG)

To recognise your contribution to NS, we want to celebrate the significant moments of your life with you. From 1st January 2016, NSmen who solemnise their marriage, welcome a newborn or adopt a child into their family will be eligible for CG.



To qualify, you must meet all the following criteria at the time of marriage, birth of newborn or adoption:

Eligible NSmen will be notified via SMS and in writing. 


Credit allocation

You will be given $100 CG cash credits when you solemnise your marriage or each time you welcome a new child into the family. 



For local marriage and child birth, you do not need to apply for your CG.

The exceptions are cases of adoption, marriages that have taken place overseas and are not registered with ROM/ROMM, and overseas birth, where you are required to make an application. Please complete this application form.


Notification and redemption

You will be notified via an SMS sent to your registered mobile number once your CG cash credits have been disbursed into your e-wallet via the LifeSG mobile application.

You can spend your CG cash credits at any online/physical merchants accepting payment by “Scan and Pay” via PayNow UEN QR or NETS QR, by accessing the ‘Benefits and Support’ module of the LifeSG mobile application. Download the app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store at: https://go.life.gov.sg/FP7q. Please do not download the app from third-party sites.

You have 12 months to utilise your CG cash credits. The expiry date can be found under your ‘Transaction History’ in the LifeSG mobile application. 


For more information, please refer to the FAQs.

If you did not receive an SMS notification after 5 weeks of your special occasion, please call the NS Hotline at 1800-eNSNSNS (1800-3676767) or e-mail us at contact@ns.sg.