Strong, capable Navy vital to continued peace and prosperity: President Halimah

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12 Apr 2019 | OPS & TRAINING

Strong, capable Navy vital to continued peace and prosperity: President Halimah

// Report by Chia Chong Jin

// Photos by Kenneth Lin

English 华文

A strong and capable Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) – which protects the nation's sea lines of communication – is vital to the country's continued peace and prosperity.

President Halimah Yacob emphasised this point during her visit to the RSN's RSS Singapura – Changi Naval Base on 12 Apr. As part of her visit, she visited the Endurance-class Landing Ship Tank RSS Endeavour, and toured the naval base on a Fast Craft Utility.

She was briefed on the RSN's capabilities, operations that the RSN had been deployed for, as well as how the RSN's warships protect Singapore's waters.

Captain (CPT) Yeo Shang Xuan, a Navigating Officer on RSS Endeavour, said that it was an honour to have Madam Halimah on his ship.

"I shared with her about the sea lines of communication, which is the lifeblood of our economy," said the 27-year-old. "(Madam Halimah) showed a very keen interest in how we run our operations… For instance, she was asking questions (such as) how we manage to man the ship with such a lean crew, as compared to our foreign counterparts."

Madam Halimah also spoke to RSN personnel and commended them for their vigilance, dedication and commitment to safeguarding the nation's maritime security.

Madam Halimah also showed her appreciation to the RSN for helping the less fortunate. As part of the President's Challenge, an annual community outreach and fund-raising campaign, the RSN raised funds for charitable organisations adopted by the RSN through the annual RSN Charity Heartstrings initiative.

As part of her visit, Madam Halimah witnessed Fleet Commander Colonel (COL) Aaron Beng present a cheque to the President's Challenge Secretariat, Ms Ivy Fong, from monies raised this year.

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