Makan Around Camp: Changi Naval Base

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05 Jun 2023 | COMMUNITY

Makan Around Camp: Changi Naval Base

There's no doubt Changi Village Hawker Centre houses some of the best eats in the east. We zoom in on this food haunt that’s near several SAF bases, in the last of PIONEER's Makan Around Camp series!

Story by Teo Jing Ting // Photos by Amos Chew

Changi Village has no lack of good food – from satay beehoon to Ipoh horfun to some good ol’ goreng pisang.
English 华文

There's something about the salt and sea that makes you extra hungry.

Home to some of the biggest ships in the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), RSS Singapura - Changi Naval Base has no lack of good eats.

One of the most famous food haunts around there is Changi Village Hawker Centre, which is a 25-minute car ride from the base.



The place is also a favourite among other Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) sites in the vicinity, which includes Hendon Camp, Changi Air Base and the SAF Ferry Terminal.

When we were there close to lunchtime, we spotted many military personnel tucking into their meals with gusto.

Spoilt for choice at Changi Village Hawker Centre? Here are three stalls we recommend!

The Ipoh horfun is the best-selling dish at the stall.

Smooth, silky horfun

There was already a long queue at the stall when we arrived at 11.45am.

Almost everyone ordered the same thing – the signature Ipoh horfun (flat rice noodles) ($5 for the large portion) with a side of fried wontons ($2).

Being typical Singaporeans, we followed suit.

Another signature dish is the fried chicken chop, which can be paired with their Ipoh horfun.

Taste test

Even when I was queueing, I could already smell the mouth-watering aroma. And it didn't disappoint: The dish came piled with sliced chicken, char siew, braised mushrooms and two pieces of wontons – all swimming in dark gravy.

I mixed them all up, took my first mouthful and immediately went to horfun heaven.

Check out the thick, gooey herbal gravy!

The sliced chicken and char siew were soft and tender, and the braised mushrooms delicious, but the star of the dish was still the horfun.

Smooth and silky, the thin white noodles paired well with the sweet, slightly herbal gravy, and almost melted in my mouth.

The fried wonton was crispy and flavourful.

Another must-get are the crispy, flavourful fried wontons. Good thing they're priced at six for $2, 'cos both my companion and I couldn't stop at just one!

As we were slurping up every last bit of the dish, a group of teenage boys sitting beside us were talking about how good the Ipoh horfun was.

"This stall very nice but the queue is always very long," said one of them to his friends.

You know you've made it when even the Gen Z knows how good your fare is.

Don't be afraid of the queue! It's worth the wait.

Weng Kee Ipoh Horfun 正宗原味怡保河粉

Changi Village Hawker Centre #01-19

Opening Hours: 10.30am-11pm (Weekdays), 8am-12am (Weekends)

Rich, nutty and saucy, this satay bee hoon makes for a hearty meal.

Saucy bee hoon

Looking for something heartier? Try Ho Guan Satay Bee Hoon.

Located just diagonally across the next aisle from Weng Kee, this stall has been around for more than 40 years.

They only have three mains on the menu – their signature satay bee hoon, a seafood version of their signature dish (both are priced at $5) and cuttlefish kangkong ($6, $8 or $10).

Their secret to success lies in their satay sauce.

Taste test

The thin bee hoon soaked up every bit of the rich, nutty sauce, making it a very hearty meal. It wasn't cloying and you could taste the strong fragrance of peanut in every bite.

The dish also came with a generous spread of ingredients – from sliced liver and pork to cuttlefish and kangkong.

For just $5, this is a meal well worth your money.

This stall has been around for over 40 years – a testament that their recipe works!

Ho Guan Satay Bee Hoon

Changi Village Hawker Centre #01-61

Opening Hours: 11am - 9pm (Thurs - Sun)

Closed from Mon - Wed

Encased in the fried tempura batter is a rich and creamy banana.

Go bananas for pisang

You need to save stomach space for this – at Mei Xiang Goreng Pisang, the fried banana fritters were sold out as fast as they were made.

While waiting 10 minutes for a fresh batch, we watched the old couple, who were manning the stall, work non-stop – the uncle was peeling the banana while his wife was in charge of frying the fritters.

The smaller fritters were priced at $1.20 each while their longer counterparts were $2 each.

Frying the banana fritters to a delicious golden-brown.

Taste test

Fresh from the fryer, the golden nuggets smelt heavenly.

I bit into the tempura batter and sank my teeth into the sweet yellow banana. The batter-to-banana ratio was perfect, and the crusty tempura contrasted really well with the slightly soft and creamy banana.

You need to order at least two, 'cos one is definitely not enough.

We had ordered three goreng pisang – I offered to split the last fritter with my companion but he graciously told me that I could have it.

I was (not-so-secretly) overjoyed and slowly savoured every last bit of the pisang. It was finger-licking good.

Save your stomach for some of these delicious fritters from Mei Xiang!

Mei Xiang Goreng Pisang 美香炸香蕉

Changi Village Hawker Centre #01-51

Opening hours: 10.30am – 8pm

Closed on Tues

From homely fare to deep-fried snacks, there's no lack of good food options at Changi Village Hawker Centre. What's your pick?



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