

Role & Specifications

The F-15SG is an all-weather multi-role fighter. Equipped with the latest technological upgrades, it is one of the most capable and lethal multi-role aircraft in the world. Featuring the state-of-the-art cockpit and advanced avionics, including the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHCMS), the F-15SG provides the Pilot and Weapon Systems Officer (WSO) (Fighter) with increased situation awareness, as well as enhanced air-to-air and self defence capabilities. The aircraft is powered by two General Electric F110-GE-129 turbofan engines.


63.8 ft


18.5 ft

Wing Span

42.8 ft


Maximum Speed - 2.5 Mach

Service Ceiling - 60,000 ft


M61 20 mm cannon

AIM-9 air-to-air missiles

AIM-120 air-to-air missiles

Laser-guided bombs

Maverick air-to-ground missiles

Crew Composition

1 Pilot

1 Weapon Systems Officer (WSO) (Fighter)


F-16C/D/D+ Fighting Falcon

Role & Specifications

The F-16 is a multi-role tactical fighter with full air-to-air and air-to-surface combat capabilities. The aircraft features modern core avionics, Common Colour Multi-Function Display (CCMFD), sophisticated radar, smart weapons compatibility and state-of-the-art navigation and targeting systems. It is powered by Pratt and Whitney F100-PW-229 turbofan engine.


15.06 m


4.88 m

Wing Span

10.01 m


Maximum Speed - 2.0 Mach

Service Ceiling - 50,000 ft


M61 20mm cannon

AIM-9 air-to-air missiles

AIM-120 air-to-air missiles

Maverick air-to-ground missiles

Laser-guided bombs


AS332M/M1 Super Puma

Role & Specifications

The AS332M/M1 Super Puma is a medium lift helicopter. It is powered by two Turbomeca Makila 1A/1A1 turbo-shaft engines. It is employed for various roles such as troop lift, Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, underslung cargo transport and VIP transport.


Maximum Speed – 167 Knots

Endurance – 4.5 Hours

Crew Composition

2 Pilots

1 Aircrew Specialist


24 passengers or

6 stretchers and 1 medic


CH-47D/SD Chinook

Role & Specifications

The CH-47D/SD Chinook is a tandem rotor helicopter fitted with a triple hook system. It is powered by two Honeywell 55-L-714A turbo-shaft engines. The Chinook is employed for various roles such as Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, casualty evacuation, troop lift, fire-fighting, para-jumping and internal/underslung cargo transport. Besides supporting SAF’s operational requirements, the Chinooks have also been deployed for numerous Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief (HADR) missions.


30.18 m


5.70 m

Rotor Diameter

18.29 m


Maximum Speed - 170 Knots

Crew Composition

2 Pilots

1 Flight Engineer

1 Aircrew Specialist


33/55 passengers or

24 stretchers and 2 medics


AH-64D Apache Longbow

Role & Specifications

The AH-64D Apache is a multi-mission helicopter, designed to fight and survive in day, night and adverse weather conditions. It is the first tandem-seat helicopter in the RSAF, with the pilot located in the rear seat and co-pilot in the front seat. The AH-64D Apache is equipped with a highly sophisticated Fire Control Radar (FCR), which gives it the ability to detect, classify, and prioritise stationary and moving targets both on the ground and in the air. The helicopter is powered by two General Electric T700-GE-701C Gas Turbine Engines, each producing 1,890 Shaft Horsepower (SHP).


17.73 m


4.05 m, 4.95 m (Longbow)

Wing Span

5.23 m


Maximum Speed - 158 Knots


30 mm M230 chain gun

HYDRA 70 rockets

AGM-114 hellfire missiles

Crew Composition

1 Pilot

1 Co-pilot/Gunner


S-70B Seahawk

Role & Specifications

With its state-of-the-art avionics, mission systems and cockpit, the Sikorsky S-70B Seahawk naval helicopter is one of the world’s most advanced naval helicopters. The S-70B is integrated to the Republic of Singapore Navy’s (RSN) Formidable class Stealth Frigates and operates as an integral unit in the conduct of Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW) and Ant-Submarine Warfare (ASW) missions.


9,600 kg


Maximum Speed - 140 Knots

Endurance - 3 hours

Hover Ceiling - 2,200 m

Crew Composition

2 Pilots

1 Tactical Coordination Officer

1 Sensor Supervisor




Overall Length

11.49 m

Overall Height

4.76 m

Wing Span

9.72 m

Take-off Weight

7,400 kg (clean)


Maximum Speed: 590 kts
Service Ceiling: 13,716 m




Overall Length

11.232 m

Overall Height

3.749 m

Wing Span

9.108 m

Basic Take-off Weight

3,100 kg (Aerobatics) /
4,250 kg (Utilities)


Maximum Speed: 370 kts
Service Ceiling: 7,620m


G550-Airborne Early Warning

Role & Specifications

The Gulfstream 550-Airborne Early Warning (G550-AEW) replaced the E-2C to provide airborne early warning. It is powered by two Rolls Royce BR710-C4-11 turbofan engines with a rated thrust of 15,385lbs. The G550-AEW is equipped with Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, and is able to detect, track and identify aerial targets from a longer range than its predecessor. This allows the RSAF to identify potential aerial threats early and respond decisively, in peace and war.


29.8 m


8.3 m

Wing Span

28.5 m


Maximum speed - 0.82 Mach

Service Ceiling - 41,000 ft

Endurance - 9 Hours

Crew Composition

2 Pilots

6 Air Warfare Officers


A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport

Role & Specification

The Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (A330-MRTT) is a next generation tanker aircraft capable of conducting Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) and airlift roles simultaneously. The A330-MRTT has better endurance, cargo and passenger capacity, and ability to provide more fuel to other aircraft compared to the KC-135R aerial tankers, and will replace the ageing KC-135R. Its AAR capability will allow the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) to extend the endurance of our fighter aircraft to safeguard our skies, and also enable the RSAF to be more effective and capable in meeting our operational demands. In addition, the platform provides the RSAF with greater operational flexibility and will enhance Singapore’s ability to contribute to international Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) missions and Peace Support Operations.

Air-to-Air Refuelling Capabilities. The A330-MRTT can carry 245,000 lbs (111,000 kg) of fuel for its own use or for offload to its receiver aircraft. It can refuel both drogue-refuelled and boom-refuelled platforms, which will also enhance the RSAF’s interoperability with other air forces. Additionally, the A330-MRTT is equipped with the Universal Aerial Refuelling Receptacle Slipway Installation (UARRSI), which allows it to receive fuel from another tanker aircraft. This will increase the endurance and range of the A330-MRTT to fulfil its mission during extended operations.

Airlift Capabilities. Apart from AAR operations, the A330-MRTT has the ability to carry up to 82,000 lbs (37,000 kg) of cargo or 266 personnel. This flexibility allows the aircraft to be configured expeditiously for a wide range of airlift missions. When required, the aircraft can also be equipped with medical equipment for aero-medical evacuation missions.

Aircraft Systems.

1. Avionics. The A330-MRTT is fitted with advanced avionics as well as fly-by-wire control systems featured in the civil A330 aircraft. It will also be equipped with a customised suite of military avionics.
2. Air Refuelling (AR) Systems. The AR systems are controlled from the Operator Console located in the flight deck. This arrangement facilitates pilot and operator coordination. The Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS) is operated by fly-by-wire controls and electrical actuators, together with a 3-dimensional (3D) video system. The 3D video system provides the operators with a clearer and realistic visualisation of ongoing AAR operations.



58.8 m


17.4 m

Wing Span

60.3 m


Cruise Speed - 0.86 Mach

Service Ceiling - 12.6 km

Maximum Fuel Weight - 111,000 kg

Crew Composition

Maximum Personnel Capacity - 266 personnel

Maximum Cargo Capacity - 37,000 kg


KC-135R Stratotanker

Role & Specification

The KC-135R is a long-range jet tanker which the RSAF uses for mid-air refuelling of its aircraft. The KC-135R can also undertake aero-medical evacuation and airlift missions to provide logistics support for the SAF's overseas deployments and training exercises.


41.76 m


32.82 m

Wing Span

65.02 m


Maximum Take-off Weight - 146,283.55 kg

Maximum Cruise Speed - 0.9 Mach

Crew Composition

Pilot, Co-pilot, Navigator, Boom Operator along with one of the following:

83,000 lbs Cargo Capacity

57 passengers

6 x 463L pallets: Max 6,000 lbs per pallet

Aero-Medical Evacuation (AME)


C-130 Hercules

Role & Specifications

The C-130 Hercules is a four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft employed by the RSAF for a wide range of missions. The RSAF C-130 Hercules has been deployed to support the SAF’s operational requirements, including numerous Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief (HADR) and Search and Locate (SAL) missions.


30.32 m


11.81 m

Wing Span

40.41 m


Maximum Speed – 290 Knots

Endurance - 15 Hours

Service Ceiling - 29,000 ft

Crew Composition

2 Pilots

1 Navigator

1 Flight Engineer

1 Loadmaster



92 Ground Troops (72 Troops if fully equipped)

64 Fully Equipped Paratroops

74 Stretchers and 2 Medics

Up to 42,000 lbs of cargo for airdrops

Fokker-50 UTA/MPA

Role & Specifications

The Fokker-50 is a twin-engine propeller aircraft employed by the RSAF for a wide range of missions. Together with the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), the Fokker-50 provides maritime air surveillance and protects the seaward defence and sea lines of communication of Singapore. The Fokker-50 has also been deployed in numerous Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) as well as Search and Locate (SAL) missions.


25.25 m

Wing Span

29.0 m


Maximum Endurance - 8 Hours

Maximum Speed - 220 Knots


Anti-ship Missiles

Crew Composition

MPA: 2 Pilots, 3 System Operators, 1 Loadmaster


UTA: 2 Pilots, 1 Loadmaster, and one of the following:

39 fully-equipped paratroopers

21 stretchers and 2 medics

50 Passengers

Cargo by ground delivery

G550-Airborne Early Warning

Role & Specifications

The Gulfstream 550-Airborne Early Warning (G550-AEW) replaced the E-2C to provide airborne early warning. It is powered by two Rolls Royce BR710-C4-11 turbofan engines with a rated thrust of 15,385lbs. The G550-AEW is equipped with Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, and is able to detect, track and identify aerial targets from a longer range than its predecessor. This allows the RSAF to identify potential aerial threats early and respond decisively, in peace and war.


29.8 m


8.3 m

Wing Span

28.5 m


Maximum speed - 0.82 Mach

Service Ceiling - 41,000 ft

Endurance - 9 Hours

Crew Composition

2 Pilots

6 Air Warfare Officers

KC-135R Stratotanker

Role & Specification

The KC-135R is a long-range jet tanker which the RSAF uses for mid-air refuelling of its aircraft. The KC-135R can also undertake aero-medical evacuation and airlift missions to provide logistics support for the SAF's overseas deployments and training exercises.


41.76 m


32.82 m

Wing Span

65.02 m


Maximum Take-off Weight - 146,283.55 kg

Maximum Cruise Speed - 0.9 Mach

Crew Composition

Pilot, Co-pilot, Navigator, Boom Operator along with one of the following:

83,000 lbs Cargo Capacity

57 passengers

6 x 463L pallets: Max 6,000 lbs per pallet

Aero-Medical Evacuation (AME)

A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport

Role & Specification

The Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (A330-MRTT) is a next generation tanker aircraft capable of conducting Air-to-Air Refuelling (AAR) and airlift roles simultaneously. The A330-MRTT has better endurance, cargo and passenger capacity, and ability to provide more fuel to other aircraft compared to the KC-135R aerial tankers, and will replace the ageing KC-135R. Its AAR capability will allow the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) to extend the endurance of our fighter aircraft to safeguard our skies, and also enable the RSAF to be more effective and capable in meeting our operational demands. In addition, the platform provides the RSAF with greater operational flexibility and will enhance Singapore’s ability to contribute to international Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) missions and Peace Support Operations.

Air-to-Air Refuelling Capabilities. The A330-MRTT can carry 245,000 lbs (111,000 kg) of fuel for its own use or for offload to its receiver aircraft. It can refuel both drogue-refuelled and boom-refuelled platforms, which will also enhance the RSAF’s interoperability with other air forces. Additionally, the A330-MRTT is equipped with the Universal Aerial Refuelling Receptacle Slipway Installation (UARRSI), which allows it to receive fuel from another tanker aircraft. This will increase the endurance and range of the A330-MRTT to fulfil its mission during extended operations.

Airlift Capabilities. Apart from AAR operations, the A330-MRTT has the ability to carry up to 82,000 lbs (37,000 kg) of cargo or 266 personnel. This flexibility allows the aircraft to be configured expeditiously for a wide range of airlift missions. When required, the aircraft can also be equipped with medical equipment for aero-medical evacuation missions.

Aircraft Systems.

1. Avionics. The A330-MRTT is fitted with advanced avionics as well as fly-by-wire control systems featured in the civil A330 aircraft. It will also be equipped with a customised suite of military avionics.
2. Air Refuelling (AR) Systems. The AR systems are controlled from the Operator Console located in the flight deck. This arrangement facilitates pilot and operator coordination. The Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS) is operated by fly-by-wire controls and electrical actuators, together with a 3-dimensional (3D) video system. The 3D video system provides the operators with a clearer and realistic visualisation of ongoing AAR operations.



58.8 m


17.4 m

Wing Span

60.3 m


Cruise Speed - 0.86 Mach

Service Ceiling - 12.6 km

Maximum Fuel Weight - 111,000 kg

Crew Composition

Maximum Personnel Capacity - 266 personnel

Maximum Cargo Capacity - 37,000 kg


Fokker-50 UTA/MPA

Role & Specifications

The Fokker-50 is a twin-engine propeller aircraft employed by the RSAF for a wide range of missions. Together with the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), the Fokker-50 provides maritime air surveillance and protects the seaward defence and sea lines of communication of Singapore. The Fokker-50 has also been deployed in numerous Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) as well as Search and Locate (SAL) missions.


25.25 m

Wing Span

29.0 m


Maximum Endurance - 8 Hours

Maximum Speed - 220 Knots


Anti-ship Missiles

Crew Composition

MPA: 2 Pilots, 3 System Operators, 1 Loadmaster


UTA: 2 Pilots, 1 Loadmaster, and one of the following:

39 fully-equipped paratroopers

21 stretchers and 2 medics

50 Passengers

Cargo by ground delivery


Hermes 450 UAV

Role & Specifications

The Hermes 450 is a single engine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with advance composite structure and optimised aerodynamics. It has long endurance to sustain operations and improved detection capability. It is also equipped with communication system that can transfer imagery in real time.



6.1 m

Wing Span

10.5 m


Cruise Speed - 60 to 70 Knots

Maximum Range - 100 km

Endurance - More than 14 hours


Electro-Optical/Infrared and Laser Designator


Heron 1 UAV

Role & Specification

The Heron 1 is a single engine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) equipped with advance avionics and detection capabilities that improve awareness and enhance mission effectiveness. It also has long flight endurance and it features a fully Automatic Take-off and Landing (ATOL) capability.


8.80 m

Wing Span

16.6 m


Cruise Speed - 60 to 70 knots

Maximum Range – 200 km

Endurance – Up to 24 Hours

Payload Capacity

Electro-Optical/Infrared and Laser Designator


Weapon Systems

Role & Specifications

The SPYDER system is the first 3rd Generation weapon system to be integrated into the enhanced Island Air Defence System. The network also enables our operators to see further, react faster, and for firing to be done much more precisely against air threats.

The SPYDER System is operated by a 6-man crew for rapid deployment and re-deployment. The system is equipped with 2 types of advanced missiles to provide comprehensive combat capability.



Effective Range – 15 km

Intercept Attitude – 9 km

Crew Composition

1 Launcher Team Commander

1 Launcher Team 2IC

1 Senior Launcher Air Defence System Specialist

1 Launcher Air Defence Weapon Specialist

2 Launcher Air Defence Weapon Operators



Role & Specifications

The Improved Homing All the Way Killer (I-HAWK) missile is a low to medium altitude Surface-to-Air missile system. The system works on a semi-active homing guidance principle.


Effective Range – 40 km

Engage Manoeuvring Target - 9G

Single Shot Kill Probability (SSKP) – 85%

Crew Composition

1 Tactical Control Officer

1 Tactical Control Assistant

1 Fire Control Officer



Role & Specification

The RBS 70 is a man-portable, short-range air defence missile system. The missile system works on a laser beam riding principle. The RBS 70 air defence system is mounted on a V200A Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) for higher mobility and can also be deployed in a dismounted configuration.


Maximum Effective Range – 8 km

Maximum Effective Height – 5 km

Maximum Missile Speed - Mach 2.0

Elevation of Sight - 10 to 45 degrees


Crew Composition

1 Air Defence System Specialist

1 Air Defence Weapon Specialist

3 Air Defence Weapon Operators

1 Signal Operator

1 AFV Operator


Role & Specifications

The SPYDER system is the first 3rd Generation weapon system to be integrated into the enhanced Island Air Defence System. The network also enables our operators to see further, react faster, and for firing to be done much more precisely against air threats.

The SPYDER System is operated by a 6-man crew for rapid deployment and re-deployment. The system is equipped with 2 types of advanced missiles to provide comprehensive combat capability.



Effective Range – 15 km

Intercept Attitude – 9 km

Crew Composition

1 Launcher Team Commander

1 Launcher Team 2IC

1 Senior Launcher Air Defence System Specialist

1 Launcher Air Defence Weapon Specialist

2 Launcher Air Defence Weapon Operators

Aster 30

Role & Specifications

1. The Aster 30 Missile System is an all-weather, next generation Ground-Based Air Defence Medium-range Surface-to-Air Missile (MSAM) system that is the latest and an important addition to Singapore’s Air Defence Capability. The Aster 30, capable of engaging and intercepting a wide spectrum of air threats, will be integrated into the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s indigenously developed Island Air Defence (IAD) system to greatly enhance our ability to defend Singapore’s skies.

2. Capabilities of the Aster 30 Missile System are outlined below:

a. Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile Capability. The Aster 30 possesses enhanced air defence capabilities. It is a versatile GBAD system that is capable of engaging and intercepting a wide spectrum of air threats ranging from fighters, helicopters, UAVs to precision-guided munitions. 

b. Enhanced Awareness and Responsiveness. The Aster 30 will be integrated into our indigenously developed IAD system where the sensors and shooters are tightly networked and commanders are supported by intelligent decision support systems to ably defend Singapore’s skies. 

c. Increased Effectiveness. The Aster 30, capable of intercepting air threats up to 70km away, will provide the RSAF with an extended engagement envelope and enhance our IAD capabilities. Besides the ability to engage multiple air threats simultaneously, the Aster 30 is able to do so faster and from a longer distance, thus increasing the effectiveness in dealing with a wider spectrum of threats. 


Active Radio Frequency (RF) seeker 

Maximum intercept range

70km against fighter aircraft

Maximum intercept altitude

60,000ft (20km) 

Maximum speed

Mach 4.5






Aster 30

Role & Specifications

1. The Aster 30 Missile System is an all-weather, next generation Ground-Based Air Defence Medium-range Surface-to-Air Missile (MSAM) system that is the latest and an important addition to Singapore’s Air Defence Capability. The Aster 30, capable of engaging and intercepting a wide spectrum of air threats, will be integrated into the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s indigenously developed Island Air Defence (IAD) system to greatly enhance our ability to defend Singapore’s skies.

2. Capabilities of the Aster 30 Missile System are outlined below:

a. Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile Capability. The Aster 30 possesses enhanced air defence capabilities. It is a versatile GBAD system that is capable of engaging and intercepting a wide spectrum of air threats ranging from fighters, helicopters, UAVs to precision-guided munitions. 

b. Enhanced Awareness and Responsiveness. The Aster 30 will be integrated into our indigenously developed IAD system where the sensors and shooters are tightly networked and commanders are supported by intelligent decision support systems to ably defend Singapore’s skies. 

c. Increased Effectiveness. The Aster 30, capable of intercepting air threats up to 70km away, will provide the RSAF with an extended engagement envelope and enhance our IAD capabilities. Besides the ability to engage multiple air threats simultaneously, the Aster 30 is able to do so faster and from a longer distance, thus increasing the effectiveness in dealing with a wider spectrum of threats. 


Active Radio Frequency (RF) seeker 

Maximum intercept range

70km against fighter aircraft

Maximum intercept altitude

60,000ft (20km) 

Maximum speed

Mach 4.5








Role & Specification

The RBS 70 is a man-portable, short-range air defence missile system. The missile system works on a laser beam riding principle. The RBS 70 air defence system is mounted on a V200A Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) for higher mobility and can also be deployed in a dismounted configuration.


Maximum Effective Range – 8 km

Maximum Effective Height – 5 km

Maximum Missile Speed - Mach 2.0

Elevation of Sight - 10 to 45 degrees


Crew Composition

1 Air Defence System Specialist

1 Air Defence Weapon Specialist

3 Air Defence Weapon Operators

1 Signal Operator

1 AFV Operator




The Basic Giraffe is a short range search radar. Acting as a Low Level Control Centre, it provides early warning and target designation to all SHORAD systems. The radar is mounted on a 10-tonner, has a detection range of 40 km and a scan rate of 60 rpm.


Role & Specifications

The 3D radar provides low-level radar coverage to give the RSAF a better air situation picture with high fidelity and accuracy.
 System Performance  Range: 100km
 Altitude: 83,000ft (25km)
 Scan Rate: 40 RPM
 Deployment Time: 10 mins
 Crew  Deployment: 4 Operators
 Operations: 2 Operators



Role & Specification

The MPSTAR (Mounted Portable Search and Target Acquisition Radar) is a two-dimensional radar that provides the air picture to the RBS 70 short-range air defence missile system and Air-Land Tactical Control Centres. The radar is equipped with Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), Electronic Counter-Countermeasure (ECCM) features and can detect both Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing aircraft. The radar is mounted on a MB290 vehicle for higher mobility and can also be deployed in a dismounted configuration.


Detection Range - 20 km (Fixed Wings), 12 km (Rotary Wings)
Scan Rate - 10 RPM / 20 RPM
Tracking Capability - Max. 20 Targets
Mast Height - 6.32 m

Crew Composition

1 Air Warfare Officer
1 Air Defence System Specialist
2 Air Defence Weapon Specialists



Security agencies in Singapore need to continually guard against threats to Singapore's air and sea space. In recent years, our agencies have put in place robust surveillance and early warning systems to guard against aerial and maritime threats. However, these existing systems are facing increasing constraints, mainly due to the construction of taller buildings which prevent the systems from establishing a clear line of sight.
The aerostat that the SAF intends to deploy will be a tethered balloon system with 24/7 low-level radar coverage. It will be deployed sufficiently high enough so as to have a clear line of sight over Singapore's air and sea space, and will complement the SAF's suite of sensors to identify potential aerial and maritime threats early for timely and decisive response to safeguard Singapore's peace and security.
Aerostats have been used by different agencies in the world since the 1980s for functions such as early warning and radio re-broadcast. There have been significant developments in aerostats in the past decades, particularly in terms of reliability and safety. Norms and regulations have also been established to govern their safe operation. Currently, a number of security agencies, such as the US Customs and Border Protection Agency, use aerostats to meet their operational requirements.

Quick Facts about the Aerostat System
 Manufacturer TCOM (US)  Length 55m
 Operating Height  2000ft (600m)
 Operating Duration  Capable of 24 hours daily
 Sensor Capability  Detects air and maritime threats
 Crew  Operated by 8 ground crew

Safety Measures
The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) has put in place strong safety procedures that are in line with regulations developed by the US Federal Aviation Authority for the operations of the aerostat system. In addition, the RSAF has been working with the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore to plan the safe operations of the system in Singapore's congested airspace, and safety procedures such as issuing Notice-to-Airmen to inform aviators of the aerostat's presence. Lightning protection certified to the Society of Automotive Engineer Aerospace Recommended Practice 5412A standards, operating procedures and emergency-handling procedures have also been put in place to ensure the safety of the aerostat system's operations. Preventive measures, such as proper training and regular maintenance, have also been established to minimise risk.

The radiation level emitted by the radar on board the aerostat is as safe as that of mobile phones, and has been certified in accordance with IEEE C95.1-2005 standards (i.e., that emissions are within safe limits to the population). This is the same standard applied to certify the safety of mobile phones, microwave ovens and MRI scanners.
The aerostat will be secured to the ground mooring station through winch lines and a tether built to withstand strong winds and lightning strikes. The tether is made of Kevlar, and is by far the strongest in its class.


FPS 117


The FPS 117 has a greater range, an enhanced detection capability and can give an object's bearing, height and range. Its reach of 250 nautical miles means that it covers an area of up to 11 times the size of Singapore lengthwise and 20 times widthwise. It sustains accuracy in a variety of conditions and is able to differentiate between fast and slow moving objects.



Role & Specification

The Multi Mission Radar (MMR) is a 3D S-Band Mobile Radar that is part of Singapore’s enhanced Island Air Defence system. It complements the SAF’s suite of radars to provide early warning of potential air and ground threats for timely response.


Up to 350 km (Air surveillance)

Up to 100 km (Hostile Weapon Locating)

Scan Rate - 30 RPM
Platform - 8 x 8 High Mobility Cargo Transporter (HMCT)

Crew Composition

1 Team Commander
1 Deputy Team Commander
2 Air Defence System Specialists
4 Air Defence Weapons Specialist


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