Mad about the RSAF

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03 Sep 2019 | PEOPLE

Mad about the RSAF

// STORY Teo Jing Ting

// PHOTO Kenneth Lin & courtesy of interviewees and RSAF

English 华文

It’s no secret – these guys love the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF). The proof is in their Instagram accounts, which are filled with stunning photos of aircraft manoeuvres, flypasts and RSAF open houses.

Their enthusiasm is infectious. Mention anything about the RSAF and they immediately launch into a conversation on why they love the planes and how they are appreciative of the airmen and women who work tirelessly round-the-clock to defend our skies.

PIONEER speaks to three of them to find out why they are such RSAF superfans.

Meet the fans!

From left: Tedd Jong, 25, is a History undergraduate at the National University of Singapore. Celine Yeo, who is in her 30s, works as a consultant in a multinational corporation, while 37-year-old Marcus Chen does IT sales at a Japanese firm.

They are part of a group of online influencers and advocates that the RSAF engages with regularly.

What sparked your love for the RSAF?

Marcus (front row, centre) with his buddies during NS.

Marcus: When I was young, my dad took me to RSAF Open Houses. I served in the RSAF as an Anti-Aircraft gunner in 160 Squadron (SQN) during my National Service days and had the chance to interact with other air force units and see how they operate. That ignited my interest.

A 10-year-old Tedd sitting in the cockpit of a Eurofighter Typhoon jet at the Asian Aerospace in 2004.

Tedd: I was always drawn to the hardware during visits to the RSAF Open Houses. After getting the opportunity to see how the airmen and women work behind-the-scenes, thanks to RSAF outreach efforts, I realised how professional they are and the sacrifices they made to keep Singapore safe.

A young Celine with Cessna planes at Changi Air Base (West).

Celine: I used to hang out at Changi Air Base (West) when I was young as my grandparents were working at the Air Engineering Technical Institute mess. I spent a lot of time at the base. Naturally, I enjoy being around the air force.

What’s your best memory of the RSAF?

M: The opening sequence of the Black Knights flying into the show centre at the Marina Barrage during SG50 – watching the F-16s, painted in red and white like the Singapore flag, was very inspiring. It brought a lot of pride and joy to the public.

T: Last year was RSAF50 and the helicopters performed an arrowhead formation for National Day. I flew on one of the Super Pumas during rehearsals (as the part of the media engagement programme) and took a lot of nice pictures of the helicopters. Coincidentally, that day was my birthday, so it was an amazing birthday gift! Getting to see up close what it takes to maintain that formation was really amazing.

What's your favourite RSAF asset and why?

C: The best asset of the RSAF, ground or air, has got to be the airmen and women. Nothing would function without them!

M: I'm an air defender so it has to be the 35mm Oerlikon Anti-Aircraft gun as I'm most familiar with this weapon system. Another asset that caught my eye is the ASTER-30 missile system – it represents a quantum leap in the RSAF's air defence in terms of the weapon's capabilities and how it overcomes manpower challenges.

T: The F-15SG! It's a symbol of how far the RSAF has come. Do you know it's nicknamed the "flying tennis court" 'cos it's about the size of one?

What is the most interesting thing that you have done as a fan of the RSAF?

Marcus in the midst of plane spotting during NDP 2018. [Photo courtesy of Vincent Eng]

M: Taking up plane spotting as a hobby after meeting some fellow plane enthusiasts. I invested in a long camera lens and in March this year, I went around the island catching our RSAF jets in action for three weeks.

C: The photos that I take of the planes as they fly overhead during training and events are always topics of conversation with the pilots. Whenever we meet up, I pass the photos to them, it's a good souvenir for them.

The RSAF's Black Knights flying in a missing man formation, paying tribute to the late Mr Lee in 2015.

T: In 2015, I was filming people paying last respects to Lee Kuan Yew at the Parliament House and I took a break at the country club opposite the Padang. There, I met the media team from the RSAF's Air Force Information Centre (AFIC) and one of them told me that the Black Knights would be rehearsing the missing man formation in salute to Mr Lee in a few minutes' time. I managed to capture the formation. That was lucky 'cos the next day (during the actual funeral), it rained so heavily that no one could see the salute flight from the ground.

What makes you do what you do?

The RSAF's ground crew working swiftly and silently behind the scenes at the RSAF Open House 2016.

M: I want to show our appreciation to the airmen and women on the ground and in the air, and let them know that there are people who are supportive of what they are doing, 24/7.

C: A lot of people take the air force for granted, and complain why the planes are always flying 'cos it’s so noisy. But these are the things that Singaporeans should appreciate because protection, sovereignty and safety of the country should never be taken for granted.

T: During Singapore Airshow 2016, there was an F-15SG pilot who told me that their job is to let people know that the air force is always ready when called upon. I think this sums up the RSAF as a whole. This is why I want to make sure that their hard work doesn't go unnoticed.


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