Move it!

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01 Jan 2018 | PEOPLE
Melayu 华文

Move it!

// STORY Siti Rohani
// PHOTO Mark Teo

English Melayu

She was able to make that dream come true when she joined BreakiNUS, a community of break dancers, during university.

"I tried a few dance genres but I think breakdancing is very different and cool. It s very tiring but I like the cool vibes and the swag."

As she did not have any dance background, it wasn't easy to learn the moves initially but she persevered. She revealed that her favourite move is an air freeze, but says that she is out of practice.

At her day job, CPT Chan is a staff officer at HQ Armour, a new appointment she took on last October. Previously a platoon commander in 48th Battalion, Singapore Armoured Regiment, she has roughed it out in the field during exercises such as Exercise Wallaby in Australia.

Constantly on the hunt for new experiences, CPT Chan's next challenge is learning sign language. This lady is truly always on the move.






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