
https://www.mindef.gov.sg/web/wcm/connect/pioneer/cf855a87-7a15-4c91-bfe3-8b97ec23bbf8/Backpage-Oct-2018.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_1QK41482LG0G10Q8NM8IUA1051-cf855a87-7a15-4c91-bfe3-8b97ec23bbf8-oYZxCmT /web/wcm/connect/pioneer/cf855a87-7a15-4c91-bfe3-8b97ec23bbf8/Backpage-Oct-2018.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_1QK41482LG0G10Q8NM8IUA1051-cf855a87-7a15-4c91-bfe3-8b97ec23bbf8-oYZxCmT /web/portal/pioneer/article/regular-article-detail/people/2018-Q4/oct18_backpage
01 Oct 2018 | PEOPLE


// STORY francis kan  / photo Mark teo

// Styling Mei - Z  / Hair & Makeup Eric Tan and Zhiwei from Paletteinc  

// location kallang sea training centre

English Melayu
CPT Jermain Seah, 26, Head Media Support Trainer, AIC

Whether it's paddling for her dragon boat team, searching for good food, or scaling new peaks, Captain (CPT) Jermain Seah is always keen to expand her horizons. This desire for personal growth also led her to sign on with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in 2016.

"I was inspired by the change in my best friend after he served his National Service; and I wanted to see how much I would grow from the experience of serving in the SAF as well," says CPT Seah, who is Head Media Support Trainer at the Army Information Centre (AIC).

Her passion outside of work is in dragon boating, a sport she started competing in when she enrolled in Temasek Polytechnic in 2009. She continued paddling competitively until she graduated from the Singapore Institute of Management in 2014.

CPT Seah is also an avid hiker and has made trips locally and abroad to hit the trails. Last year, she travelled to Hong Kong to take on the trails there.

Looking ahead, CPT Seah is keen to take on new challenges as she progresses in her career and in life. "I want to continuously learn and grow — both as a person and a soldier."

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