Smooth sailing

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01 Dec 2018 | PEOPLE

Smooth sailing

// STORY Francis Kan / photo MARK TEO

// Styling Mei-Z / Hair & Makeup Eric Tan & Zhiwei from Paletteinc

// location SAFRA PUNGGOL

English Melayu
SV1 Genevie Loh, 26, Bridge Watchkeeper, SAF Volunteer Corps

Whether it was sailing with the historic Russian tall ship Pallada while pursuing her diploma in maritime law at a UK university, or roughing it out on Pulau Tekong during Basic Training with the Singapore Armed Forces Volunteer Corps (SAFVC), SAFVC Volunteer (SV) 1 Genevie Loh had always set her sights on joining the Navy.

She did just that in 2016 by serving in the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) as an SAFVC Bridge Watchkeeper.

“Being in the military allows me to see how the RSN operates their warships and patrol vessels to ensure the safety of Singapore waters,” said the 26-year-old who works in the commercial shipping industry.

The life of a busy sailor is also an ideal one for SV1 Loh, who has been an active sportsperson and dancer since her secondary school days. She did Chinese dance for three years and competitive cheerleading for six.

While she hasn’t done any cheerleading since university, she decided to pick it up again this June when she joined a local cheerleading team. “I have always been involved in more than one thing at a time. I’ve had to juggle studies, and training for my sports or rehearsing for dances,” she said.

With her involvement in the SAFVC, life can only get busier and more interesting for SV1 Loh!

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