A salute to the setting sun

https://www.mindef.gov.sg/web/wcm/connect/pioneer/fc709c9f-9b09-4e0b-84d3-78642b6c583c/14nov19_news1.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_1QK41482LG0G10Q8NM8IUA1051-fc709c9f-9b09-4e0b-84d3-78642b6c583c-oYJ5TMS /web/wcm/connect/pioneer/fc709c9f-9b09-4e0b-84d3-78642b6c583c/14nov19_news1.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_1QK41482LG0G10Q8NM8IUA1051-fc709c9f-9b09-4e0b-84d3-78642b6c583c-oYJ5TMS /web/portal/pioneer/article/feature-article-detail/community/2019-Q4/14nov19_news1
14nov19_news1 /web/portal/pioneer/article/feature-article-detail/community/2019-Q4/14nov19_news1
14 Nov 2019 | COMMUNITY

A salute to the setting sun

The sunset ceremony is an age-old naval tradition. What is its significance, and what goes on?

//Story by Benita Teo

English 华文

As the sun disappears under the horizon, a lone bugle is heard. Sailors in their ceremonial whites stand at attention on the deck of the ship as the still is piped. The ship's ensigns, or naval flags, are lowered. This is how seamen mark the end of the day.

The sunset ceremony is one of the oldest naval traditions. At Navy@Vivo, held at Vivocity from 13 to 18 Nov, members of the public will be able to witness the event taking place onboard Republic of Singapore Navy frigate RSS Supreme.

During the ceremony, three ensigns will be lowered: the state flag, the preparation pennant at portside, and the harbour ensign at the stern or back of the ship.

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