Fact Sheet: Enhancing Paramedic Professional Standards – Diploma (Conversion) in Paramedic Science and On-The-Job Training Programme

Fact Sheet: Enhancing Paramedic Professional Standards – Diploma (Conversion) in Paramedic Science and On-The-Job Training Programme


The Diploma (Conversion) in Paramedic Science (Dip PRM) and the On-The-Job Training Programme (OTP) are significant initiatives to enhance paramedic training at the tertiary level and raise professional standards of Pre-hospital Emergency Care (PEC) in Singapore. Both are avenues to streamline the qualification process for paramedics to acquire the theoretical foundation and real-world experience in diagnostic and therapeutic skills to better meet the demands and challenges of the PEC sector in Singapore.

The integrated Dip PRM and OTP are scheduled to commence in October 2021 and offer the following:

a. Streamlined Curriculum to Optimise Learning Outcomes: The work-learn design of the Dip PRM curriculum, through the integration of textbook learning with clinical placements, streamlines the curriculum and optimises learning outcomes. Compared to the previous model of multiple course attendance across different time periods, this consolidated approach offers higher learning and training efficacy. Graduates will gain strong theoretical foundations reinforced with ambulance experience, allowing them to step into the workforce and contribute immediately following graduation.

b. Generating Future-ready Paramedical Force: The streamlined and integrated curriculum approach will boost the generation of skilled paramedical practitioners for Singapore. With an ageing population, paramedics face the challenge of dealing with increased cases, and having to diagnose and prioritise treatment for persons suffering from multiple diseases. The rigorous and robust training during OTP, covering both peace- time and war-time casualty management, is vital for ensuring a steady stream of holistically developed paramedics that are future-ready.

c. Developing World-class PEC in Singapore: Graduates from the Dip PRM will be equipped with the skills and qualifications which prepare them for management-level positions and continued higher paramedical learning. This is essential for the growth of the paramedic field and the deepening of academic research in paramedicine, which will accelerate Singapore’s efforts to achieve a world- class emergency care system.


Who Can Apply?

The Dip PRM will be offered to training paramedics from the SAF and SCDF, and also members of the public who are diploma holders in other disciplines.

Overview of Dip PRM and On-The-Job Training Programme (OTP)

Figure 1: Overview of Dip PRM and OTP

The Dip PRM is a full-time 12-month programme that comprises four terms. Each term has a classroom phase, followed by an ambulance attachment led by the SCDF. Classroom lessons include both theoretical and simulation-based training (Please refer to Annex A for the full list of theory topics). By integrating experiential learning with theoretical lessons, students have the opportunity to put into action their classroom learnings under the supervision of a paramedic practitioner. While most lessons are at the NYP Campus, lessons may also be held at the simulation labs at the SAF’s Medical Simulation Training Centre and SCDF’s National Emergency Medical Services Training Centre (NETC). The NYP Faculty will lead the lessons and be supported by trainers from the SAF and SCDF who are qualified paramedical practitioners.

Upon successful graduation from the Dip PRM, graduates will have acquired clinical judgement capabilities and may apply for the 1200 hours OTP. Led by SCDF NETC, the OTP is an opportunity for graduates to gain essential hands-on opportunities in real-time ambulance operations under the supervision of senior paramedics. The OTP also includes tactical training conducted by the SAF on paramedic care during conflict and major civil emergency scenarios. As an essential training component for SAF and SCDF personnel, the OTP improves on-the-job performance and enhances the employability of members of the public as paramedics.

Application Procedure

Those interested in the Dip PRM may contact:

SAF Army Recruitment Centre                
Contact:   6477 2540 or 1800 687 2769              
Website:   http://www.mindef.gov.sg/oms/arc/our-formation/army-medical-services.html    
SCDF Career Office Hotline                
Contact:   1800 382 0000                
Website:   http://www.scdf.gov.sg/home/join-us            
Contact:   6550 1340                
Email:   vivienne_teo@nyp.edu.sg              
Website:   https://www.nyp.edu.sg/schools/shss/lifelong-learning/diploma-conversion-paramedic-sciences.html
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