To deliver responsive, persistent and precise UAV capabilities to achieve the SAF's mission.
To develop the SAF's UAV personnel, and raise, train and sustain the RSAF's UAV forces.
ODG oversees the development of operational plans and doctrines for AISR operations. It also ensures UC's task competency to deliver precise and timely Air Imagery Intelligence to support the SAF's mission.
UG focuses on UAV operations and development. UG also ensures the competency of active and NS personnel involved in UAV operations, and provides governance for all UAV operations in the SAF.
IXG focuses on interpreting and analysing the data collected by our UAVs and translating them into actionable intelligence for timely dissemination to the SAF. IXG also ensures the competency of active and NS Air Imagery Intelligence Experts (AIRIX).
1 AELG is responsible for the operational maintenance and engineering of UC's UAVs and systems. It also ensures the competency of active and NS Air Force Engineers to meet mission requirements.