So you've seen the RSAF55 logo and F-15SG tail flash but did you know that the whole process was actually kickstarted by some of our creative and talented personnels' contributions?
Earlier in the year, we started to tap on the artistic minds and talent of our people for inspiration in the design of the logo that would carry us through our 55th birthday celebrations and eventually be adapted into a one-of-a-kind tail flash design.
SCT Elliot Tan (left), pictured with his Command Chief, used his design skills to contribute vibrant logo options for RSAF55.
3WO Leonard Ong developed a keen interest in design and taught himself how to use Adobe Illustrator during the early COVID-19 pandemic period.
PTE Victor Zhu, who contributed to the RSAF55 tail flash design, is serving his National Service with the Air Force Information Centre and got to see the RSAF55 F-15SG tail flash up close.
Hi guys! Thanks for having this chat with us. Could you tell us a bit more about yourselves?
3WO Leonard: I’m an Air Defence System Specialist (ADSS) in 165 SQN, which comes under the Air Defence and Operations Command. As an ADSS, I am trained to operate the SPYDER Ground Based Air Defence System and I have dedicated about nine years of service to this profession.
SCT Elliot: I’m an Operations Assistant in 149 SQN, which is part of Air Combat Command. As part of my duties, I assist in ensuring that our aircrew are prepared for their missions by collating information and statistics, as well as attending to administrative tasks like booking airspace for the next flying day.
PTE Victor: I’m currently serving my National Service in the Air Force Information Centre (AFIC) where I get to experience and cover different events as a photographer or videographer. Part of my duties also include creating content for the RSAF’s social media channels which include editing videos and designing graphics!
How did you contribute to the RSAF55 designs?
3WO Leonard: During the COVID-19 pandemic, I developed an interest in drawing and designing, and taught myself how to use Adobe Illustrator with online resources like YouTube tutorials.
When the opportunity to help with designing the initial logo ideas for RSAF55 came around, I was happy to collaborate with relevant parties, and provide creative ideas and suggestions for improvement. The committee and I bounced off different ideas that we had and customised various design options.
SCT Elliot: Using some of my creativity and design knowledge, such as the use of negative space and bright, warm colours, I was able to come up with multiple logo designs and colour schemes that I felt would best represent RSAF55. I also researched and arranged different words and phrases together to come up with clever and impactful taglines to choose from.
PTE Victor: Once the logo was confirmed, I looked at contributing tail flash designs by moving the different elements in the logo around while retaining its overall colour scheme and feel. I also helped facilitate the eventual production process by liaising with different people behind-the-scenes.
Nice! And why did you want to contribute?
3WO Leonard: I feel like it was a valuable opportunity to create something that aligns with the needs and vision of the RSAF55 celebrations. Being able to contribute to the logo design project was a rewarding experience, as it allowed me a platform to showcase my skills and creativity.
SCT Elliot: My experience at 149 SQN remains an eye-opening one where I get to witness our F-15SG fighter jets in action. The way they emanate such powerful energy inspired me to want to represent its energy in the RSAF55 logo so as to give everyone a strong first impression of the RSAF.
PTE Victor: My vocation allows me to interact with personnel from different parts of the RSAF and gives me the opportunity to see assets up close. Just the thought of being able to contribute to something that may eventually be on a fighter jet was motivation enough for me to take on the challenge and come up with iterations of the RSAF55 tail flash designs.
Do you have any well wishes for the RSAF as we celebrate our 55th birthday together?
3WO Leonard: To dedicated men and women of the RSAF past and present, thank you for your unwavering commitment and professionalism in safeguarding the skies and protecting the nation. In the year of RSAF55, I hope that we will work with continued strength, unity, and the unwavering support of the Singaporeans. Blue skies always!
SCT Elliot: Thank you to everyone's teamwork in contributing to the safe and blue skies we have in Singapore, always. Wishing the RSAF a great 55th year and many more wonderful years to come.
PTE Victor: As the RSAF celebrates its 55th year, I’d like to thank our personnel for working round the clock to protect our skies and am looking forward to the many exciting RSAF55 events ahead!
We thank all personnel who sent in your RSAF55 designs for your valuable time and effort. And to everyone celebrating 55 years of the RSAF with us, keep a lookout on our socials (@theRSAF on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube) for information and exciting content!