
Vision & Mission

The Air Force 21 Vision 'World Class People, First Class Air Force' provided a blueprint to guide the RSAF at the turn of the millennium. Forging ahead towards the 3rd Generation RSAF, there was a need to 'grow' the AF21 Vision to take into account new developments in the areas of operational concepts, technology, organisational restructuring and people development. Hence, the RSAF initiated a year-long Vision refinement exercise to solicit suggestions and feedback from all levels, and our new Vision for the 3rd Generation RSAF is as follows:

“The RSAF is a First Class Air Force,
always ready to deter aggression
and defend Singapore and its interests.
We will respond decisively to the full spectrum of missions
from peace to war as part of an integrated SAF.
We will be superior in the air and decisively influence
the ground and maritime battles.

The RSAF is founded on the core values and competencies of
its World Class People
We are committed to the nation, the SAF,
the RSAF and to one another. 

Together, we will overcome adversity with courage and fortitude.
Above all, our people are the heart of our organisation.”

The first paragraph reflects the organisational mission and desired capabilites of the 3rd Gen RSAF. Its description of the RSAF as 'First Class' highlights the quality and international standing of the RSAF as a credible fighting force. It also reflects the full spectrum, integrated operations that the 3rd Gen RSAF will undertake with our ability to be a superior force in the air, decisively influencing and shaping the land and maritime campaigns.

The second paragraph reflects the core values, competencies and commitment of RSAF personnel. The usage of 'World Class People' here builds upon the current tagline that has been well internalised by our people. Finally, it emphasises the centrality of our people in the Air Force.

Our Crest

The RSAF crest has come to symbolise the all-encompassing role air defence plays in Singapore's national security. It consists of the National Coat of Arms - a crescent moon and five stars upheld by a lion and a tiger - supported by the silver wings of the Air Force within a bowl of golden laurels.

The national banner of a young nation - symbolised by the crescent moon - is Equality, Peace, Progress, Democracy and Justice, as represented by the five stars. The banner flies high on the RSAF silver wings as it stands proud on a plane of laurels, a mark of excellence, purity and universal brotherhood.

Our Roundel

As an integral part of the nation's defence force, we are committed to giving our best to Singapore. Just take a look at our advanced weapons systems. More important, however, is the quality of our people. At the RSAF, our common values bond us. And in unity, there is strength.

The nine values we uphold are loyalty to country, leadership, discipline, professionalism, fighting spirit, ethics, care for soldiers, safety and team excellence.

Our Core Values

1.       Loyalty to Country
2.       Leadership
3.       Discipline
4.       Professionalism
5.       Fighting Spirit
6.       Ethics
7.       Care for Soldiers
8.       Safety
9.       Team Excellence