Alongside our soldiers, sailors and airmen, are the guardians of the new frontier.

Alongside our soldiers, sailors and airmen, are the guardians of the new frontier.

Our Commands and Digital Ops-tech Centre.


They collaborate with training schools to develop the DIS workforce, conducting vocational and advanced competency training in areas like cyber defence and intelligence.


They build, operate and safeguard Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4) capabilities for MINDEF/SAF, all while driving digitalisation for the armed forces.


They develop electronic protection and psychological defence capabilities to address evolving security threats.


They provide accurate, relevant, and timely intelligence for early warning and decision-making for the SAF’s operations.


Their task is to raise a digital workforce that employs strong engineering practices and develops digital solutions for the SAF to meet changing operational requirements. They partner with digital agencies both local and global, adopt industry best practices, and hone ops-tech knowledge and methods to unlock the potential of our digital talents.

Our Commands and Digital Ops-tech Centre.

Our Vocations.

C4Xs play a vital role in SAF's cyber defence and digital solutions. For cyber, they specialise in areas ranging from security operations, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, malware analysis, cyber forensics, and threat intelligence operations.

For digital, they work closely with ops users to discover and build digital solutions through software engineering, data science, artificial intelligence, and cloud architecture. As cyber and digital warfighters, C4Xs uphold Singapore's security and sovereignty by identifying and neutralising threats, unlocking digital technologies, and applying their comprehensive cyber and digital skills to all operational domains.


MIEs shed light on the unknown and uncertain. They are warfighters operating advanced sensors and digital tools. They train forces, conduct ops, and analyse data to shape mission outcomes. Armed with a critical mind and a keen understanding of the world, they uncover new threats and operational opportunities for the SAF.

Senior MIEs illuminate the path for key decision-makers. They are masters of technical skills and secret-edge technologies. They design and run operations, and analyse data to deliver insights. As leaders and warfighters, they harness the potential of diverse teams towards a shared mission.

Ever-evolving threats demand an ever-ready force. DISEs ensure the operational readiness of MINDEF/SAF's strategic infocomms and sensor systems around the clock.

Senior DISEs are at the forefront of new and emerging technologies. Together with a team, they design, build, and operate the armed forces’ C4 capabilities to support a full spectrum of operations in achieving mission success.

DigiSpecs play a crucial role in the development, refinement, and maintenance of our digital products. Equipped with skillsets in software engineering, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, they play an critical role in keeping our digital systems effective and up-to-date.

For advanced cyber threats, CySpecs are the go-to. They engage in real-world cybersecurity operations, helming roles like threat monitoring and assessment, cyber forensics, malware analysis, and more.

Non-uniformed, much expertise. DCXs possess specialised skills in cyber and digital domains. Teamed with C4Xs, they set forth to protect the SAF’s security and operational readiness in the digital realm, partnering with industry leaders to proactively address emerging cyber threats and digital demands.