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SAF Volunteer Corps
Steadfast and Vigilant

About the SAFVC

The SAFVC is a uniformed volunteer scheme introduced to provide more Singaporeans and Permanent Residents with the opportunity to contribute to national defence, show support for National Service, and deepen their understanding and ownership of national defence. Volunteers will undergo progressive training to ensure that they are competent and ready to serve alongside our NSFs, NSmen and Regulars in roles that support SAF's operations and training.



The SAFVC is one of the key initiatives from the Committee to Strengthen National Service (CSNS). As one of its 30 recommendations, CSNS announced the formation of the SAF Volunteer Corps (SAFVC) in 2014.

In 2015, the first batch of SAFVC Volunteers (SVs) enlisted for Basic Training. Since its inception, the SAFVC has expanded from having 17 roles to over 30 roles in which the SVs can serve. Since then, over 1000 SVs have enlisted in the SAFVC.


Training and Rank Structure

Three key considerations guide the design of SAFVC training. Firstly, the training that SVs undertake will be safe, progressive and effective. Secondly, training will be tough and engaging. Finally, the SAFVC will endeavour to be good stewards of the volunteers’ time.

Basic Training (two weeks)

  • Common module for all SAFVC Volunteers (SVs) to provide them a basic understanding and appreciation of the military ethos and the values of the SAF

  • Basic soldiering skills and knowledge, such as firing the SAR 21 and individual fieldcraft to adapt to a field environment, that culminates in a field camp


Qualification Training (up to two weeks)

  • Provide SVs with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform in their roles upon graduating from Basic Training

  • Conducted by the respective SAF formations

  • Promoted from SV(Trainee) to SV1, signifying that they are ready for deployments to support national servicemen


Advanced Training (up to two weeks)

  • For roles that require more training to gain the required proficiencies


Climbing the Ranks

  • Five ranks in the SAFVC – not pegged to the SAF rank structures

  • Based on their years of service, performance and conduct, SVs can be promoted up to the SV4 rank


Roles within SAFVC

To enable SVs to serve meaningfully, the SAFVC has introduced a variety of roles in 11 categories across the three services – Army, Navy and Air Force. These roles range from security/naval operations, to specialised fields, such as engineering and legal. SVs will be assigned to specific roles based on their medical fitness and overall assessed aptitude.

Find out more about the roles at: https://www.mindef.gov.sg/safvc/roles.html

Our Vocation

The SAFVC is one of the key initiatives from the Committee to Strengthen National Service (CSNS). As one of its 30 recommendations, CSNS announced the formation of the SAF Volunteer Corps (SAFVC) in 2014.

In 2015, the first batch of SAFVC Volunteers (SVs) enlisted for Basic Training. Since its inception, the SAFVC has expanded from having 17 roles to over 30 roles in which the SVs can serve. Since then, over 1000 SVs have enlisted in the SAFVC.

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