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Forging Ahead

Today, 9th Singapore Division/Infantry is a respected Formation capable of accomplishing our mission. We emphasise on people, values, and in delivering a positive experience to all. We are also an operational Combined Arms Division that will fight and win decisively in a wide spectrum of operations to safeguard our nation's interests and sovereignty.

Our Vocation

The Infantry is the dominant force in the battlefield, renowned for its courage, tenacity, brotherhood and discipline. Our Infantry troops are trained to operate under all weather conditions, across all terrain profiles, and in both day and night to defeat the enemy and secure terrain. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, we operate as a highly integrated force. Our Infantry troops also possess strong mental power, a high level of fitness and discipline, and work effectively in teams to ensure mission success.

As the authority in Infantry matters, 9th Singapore Division/Infantry seeks to develop doctrines, conduct effective, efficient and engaging training, and deliver cutting edge capabilities to ensure the success of our units in battle. These include the motorisation of our combined arms units, advancement of our soldier systems and the development of Urban Operations (UO) capabilities as part of the 3rd Generation Army transformation effort. In addition, we are at the forefront in developing and realising the full combat potential of every soldier by leveraging on sports science and technology to strengthen our soldiers’ physical fitness and mental resilience. In shaping the next generation Infantry, we spearhead the experimentation of new fighting concepts with robotics augmentation and the utilisation of 4th Industrial Revolution (IR) technologies to develop system-of-systems capabilities.

Military Equipment





24,000 kg

Max Speed

110 km/h

Trench Crossing

2 m


300 km


2.46 m


2.97 m


7.78 m






20,000 kg

Max Speed

110 km/h


600 km

Trench Clearance

0.95 m


2.75 m


2.60 m


7.25 m

SAR 21



5.56 mm

Weight (unloaded)

4.0 kg


80.5 cm

Sighting System

1.5x Optical Scope (3x for Sharpshooter Variant) + Integrated LASER Aiming Device

Rate of Fire

450-650 rpm

Effective Range

460 m


SAR 21 with M203 Grenade Launcher


Attached with a M203


5.56 mm / 40 mm

Weight (unloaded)

5.5 kg


80.5 cm

Rate of Fire

Single Shot (M203)

Effective Range

350 m


Formed on 1 Oct 1978, 9th Singapore Division had a humble beginning as a 'Reserves' Division. Through the years, we have grown in strength and numbers, and became a Combined Arms Division on 31 March 1992. On 1 Jan 1995, 9th Singapore Division was restructured to comprise both Active servicemen and NSmen as part of the overall SAF reorganisation.

On 15 Jan 1980, HQ Infantry was set up to assume the role of the Senior Specialist Staff Officer (SSSO) HQ for all Infantry doctrinal and training matters up to the battalion level. HQ Infantry then evolved to become the beacon for the Infantry, focusing on the development and evaluation of doctrine, capability development as well as the formulation of curriculum for all Infantry training requirements in the SAF.

On 17 August 2004, 9th Singapore Division merged with HQ Infantry to form 9th Singapore Division/Infantry.

The Dominant Force in the Battlefield
You will be an expert in close combat, and capable of handling modern weapons like the General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) and SPIKE Anti-Tank Missile Systems. You will also be trained as part of a special breed of men who can traverse long distances across mountains and through jungles by foot. You will be challenged to go beyond your physical and mental limits, but with your perseverance, you shall see each operation through to victory.