Every year on the 9th of August, Singaporeans gather to celebrate the nation's independence with a spectacular National Day Parade (NDP) and show. This year, as Singapore celebrates her 59th year of independence and 40th year of Total Defence, tens of thousands of spectators are expected to attend, not including the numerous parade and show participants. Robust security and safety measures are paramount to ensure a successful event.
Our Army works closely with various organisations and agencies to conduct rigorous security checks, surveillance operations, crowd control, and emergency response measures, amongst others.
Managing the large crowd for NDP24 requires precise coordination. The spectator management team employs various strategies to ensure smooth crowd movement, from directing foot traffic to managing entry and exit points, setting up clear signage and announcements to help guide spectators, reducing confusion and congestion.
Second Sergeant (2SG) Ryan Lam, Platoon Sergeant from 1st Battalion, Singapore Guards (1 Gds) is part of the Spectator Management committee. He works diligently to help facilitate smooth traffic slow for spectators.
2SG Lam briefing his team, ensuring a smooth operation for NDP24.
He is proud to be a part of NDP24, “I am proud to be able to serve the country and contribute to the overall success of NDP24. It's truly special for all of us - not many NSFs have the opportunity to participate in such a massive operation, especially at an event so close to Singaporeans’ hearts. We hope to provide a comfortable, safe and special NDP24 experience for everyone!”
2SG Lam directing spectators to their seating area after the security screening.
2SG Lam added, “This is truly a memorable experience, working closely with my buddies, doing our best, to contribute to a successful NDP24.”
Quietly residing within a busy operations room is Lieutenant (LTA) Md Faiq Iftekher Raad, a Project Officer at 7th Singapore Infantry Brigade (7 SIB). For NDP24, LTA Faiq is the*part of the Organising Secretariat (OS) team, overseeing both Show Support and Show Management, and represents the show committee in the Control and Command Group 2 (CCG2).
One of LTA Faiq's roles is the monitoring of events that could impact the security of the NDP24 event, such as monitoring the movements of vendors and show participants within Padang. He also oversees drone operations conducted by the Multimedia Committee, which requires him to collaborate closely with the Air Participation Committee.
LTA Faiq shared, “Being a part of NDP24 has been a significant eye-opener for my career in the SAF, providing insight into the extensive coordination and control required to manage such a large-scale event. Additionally, it allows me to step out of the usual green uniform and engage with individuals from various units, services, and agencies, contributing in a different capacity.”
Stationed at the Padang entrance is SAF Volunteer Corp Volunteer 2 (SV2) Adric Ong, an Auxiliary Security Trooper with the Singapore Armed Forces Volunteer Corps (SAFVC). SV2 Ong is among the numerous soldiers playing an integral part to support NDP24, by performing thorough security screenings for all attendees, conducting bag inspections, verifying credentials, and preventing prohibited items or unauthorised entry from entering the NDP venue.
SV2 Ong conducting a bag inspection, ensuring no contraband items are brought into the venue.
He shared, “Everyone of us here, regardless of our role, contributes to Singapore’s overall security and Total Defence. I am proud to volunteer and play my part to ensure the safety and security of the NDP event by maintaining vigilance, looking out for any suspicious activities or individuals that could jeopardise the safety and security of all attendees.”
SV2 Ong using a handheld metal detector.
✍🏼: LCP Benjamin Tan (Army News)
📷: CPL Sean Chew (Army News)